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Everything posted by MedicineCabinet

  1. who here played manhunt with all the other kids on the block as a younin? good times
  2. weird al status or the like is something bobby would aspire to be
  3. was that tree-climbing flick from an orchid hunt or is he just climbing for kicks? the documentary on that was interesting.. hardcore flower people
  4. lol they probably sold their souls for a nickle/click good deal
  5. fuuuck, wish i didnt click on that new kids on the block link just gave those assholes a nickle
  6. true in the sense of the universe but false as a born muggle.. more so just a retard when it comes to highlights & knowing exactly where the lights supposed to bouncing off of tpbm has slapped someone with a deep-fried oven mitt
  7. ^lol got back from being molested by a doctor. no worries, it was strictly professional fuck, its actually gorgeous outside; sunny, warm, & not a single wispy trail. went for a nice longass walk after the appointment & returned with a pizza.. now my legs hurt gonna smoke this & eat with the hills
  8. hot pies hot pies rayz far away cosmetic store.. wat see their rap sprays a lot friend brought his cat in for a min. earlier while i was oontzing your friend. some punk kids walked by & one of them spat on it, as you can see. flicked it & they got all shook & walked far away, thinking they were going to get snitched out or some shit mundane shit /mundane shit
  9. oh man.. old workplace at this shit kitchen - this deaf guy ran expo (dont know why).. & you know how they cant speak properly either? well every time he wanted us to have more slices of garlic toast ready, hed just slam the shit out of the table & scratchily scream "tOOOOaSt" & sound like something out of star wars. just tried looking for a sound clip that was even remotely close, but no go - his was extra special. i know its a horrible thing to clown on him, but he was a dick sometimes toast tales
  10. ^fall asleep there & its game over.. unless youre covered in spikes like a porcupine it was rather quick, but i just took my time with everything else. was still hungry so heated up a few slices of toast bring a basketball & do the same. when youre asked about wtf youre doing, just say "im a mirror of your dribble, all is one" oontzing.. gonna reheat some of that spicy chicken again at some point
  11. always going to be able to get a good laugh out of nicolas cage.. seen that enough times & still cracked up at his opening moan. MYEYES OHNO MYEYESSS. & that was one sneaky dump - working the angles & all as for that rubiks cube video, wat a wizard.. fuck
  12. true tpbm has served time for longer than a year
  13. going to take a shit before showering let you know how it goes
  14. tegan & sarah - totally unjustified assumptions of character, but i just feel like theyd be such bitches irl
  15. hells yeah its funny how david duchovny is hopelessly hooked on vagina in all his characters, including real life: -in the show, mulders a recluse whos always looking at porn -the show californication -then the sex rehab, whichever came first knocking on wood, but cant really say ive been in a legal bind as a result of going out to drink
  16. ok, but the x-files is still a great show
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