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Everything posted by MedicineCabinet

  1. ostrich ride - do want (even though it looks like hes fucking it via photoshop)
  2. hes creative, no doubt more importantly, i had to look up what a gronk was yo which one is it? #3 made me laugh my ass off http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=gronk&page=1
  3. now its raining hard - take that, birds. jk.. they aint hurtin anybody.. cept in that one movie building a wall of shit posts & working out my power posting finger (shouldve dropped this in the workout thread, as its the hardest workout of all) RUFF
  4. hmm.. on the fence with that one tpbm has a fence wedgie
  5. who done hurt ya? ok, im too tired & still slightly drunk to make sense of all that dr dolittle md witchcraft, but will be checking it out later
  6. omgsorta420bro sitting here listening to birds chirp.. went to this pisshole of a bar (still had a good time, though) where the house beer was so watered down that it just tasted like barley water nao lurking flickr & oontzing
  7. (skip me.. just wanna comment) oh youuu
  8. yo i need dr dolittle, not some house md jerk of philosophy nah jk, ill give that a read upon returning. no time for time right nao
  9. false.. it aint what you plan, but what happens in between. also, quang duc appears to have been a next level badass tpbm has a confetti machine & clowns planned for their funeral but is concerned something might happen in between, consequently ruining their death party
  10. dogs & cats - do they actually know what mirrors are? or do they go about their whole lives thinking its a pane of glass with a friend trapped on the other side? the friend is kind of weird, mimicking every move of their own. nevertheless, theyre trapped then they just kind of get used to that weird window/friend & just be like "oh hey there, copycat" before going to the other room for a belly rub or whatever aint even some kind of lame joke.. so do they?
  11. judging you! fried chicken - half plain, half spicy bbq no pics
  12. wowzers, dont know what the fucking fuck happened to that last flick but ill repost another one later
  13. some good shit at the berricks with him in that one part hah didnt know he was in the new spiderman, or that it even had skating in it.. movie honestly looked like shit
  14. tampon eater 2.0 ppl b doing that with snakes & shit
  15. trying to wave goodbye to transient insomnia.. shouldve gone for a walk or something just listened to bill burrs podcast.. gonna smoke this & try to pass out to some koth
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