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Everything posted by MedicineCabinet

  1. lol at the thought of a guy in a gimp mask saying "you dont play so nice, im leaving"
  2. being glad about a blessing in disguise & cutting idiots out of my life
  3. i liked our shop idea gloomyass transylvanian castle weather up in here.. cold, windy, dancing skeletons, etc
  4. word then thoughts go out to him.. i know hes gonna be fine
  5. ice coffee for those hot mornings tpbm was the victim of a major prank that required surgery - their friends drugged them, made them believe they woke up in the "real world" just like in the matrix (with the holes & all in their spine/back of the head/everywhere else). they were given cold gruel & lived inside of a metal hollywood spaceship set, trying to get over the depression that their whole life has been a mere illusion on their first day to be plugged back into the matrix to start learning, their friends put said plug into the back of their head. it hurt a lot, as the holes in the body were actually real. nothing happened & everyone just yelled "april fools!" the holes are still there, but it was all in good fun & they aint holding grudges
  6. he had cancer dk if he still does but havent heard any goodbyes/anything else about it, so assuming hes getting better/fighting it out
  7. false tpbm feeds laxatives to all the birds in the park
  8. false - 587599 tpbm washes their clothes every time they paint in them, even if it was washed the day before
  9. indifferent, although too little or too much says something tpbm keeps mistaking road kill for country jam
  10. but make the outside real nice, so a lot of people are always falsely lulled in
  11. word, chicken bones & little plastic green army men decorating the coffin dirt "we only sell mini croissants with seasonal ingredients & korn cds"
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