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Everything posted by MedicineCabinet

  1. hitler doing artistic poses. maybe on crank, idk
  2. truthy for some reason, cant really get down with chips that taste like what hot meals are supposed to.. thought the tandori chicken one was really good when it first came out, but kind of got over it they also have ones that taste like hotwings in blue cheese, souvlaki, bacon cheeseburgers, etc.. havent tried them because if i eat chips that taste like a bacon cheeseburger, im gonna eat a few & be like fuckit - want an actual bacon cheeseburger.. right now! theyre still decent, but idk.. kind of a tease for tastebuds & shit, know what i mean? would rather just eat ribs or a bacon cheeseburger to begin with
  3. went for a stroll last night & ended up having to hold in my shit for about 3 hours.. did not want to use some semen-drizzled public bathroom, so got a stack of napkins from 7-11 instead (from the middle of the back pile). thankfully farted at just the right times & made it back without having to shit in an alley, even though a few prime real estates for said alleyshitting were discovered this was after the guy in the motorcycle playing ace of base pulled up, inj moments after, a deaf guy tried to hustle me with those stupid little stickers. kept saying/motioning "no" as politely as possible, then he went into a gibberish rage mode & made all kinds of crazy noises at me before taking off on his bike
  4. dont have one, nor have i ever done that tpbm would die for itchy algae
  5. cd, that you? bump han solo poptarts
  6. false tpbm would knock out a man to save a pigeon
  7. dogs barking in the background someone yelling "shut uup!" sunny
  8. used to read recreationally, but not so much these days.. cant just pick up a book & take a chance anymore; its gotta be something im already interested in thatll teach something tpbm knows how to read body language
  9. thats natallie portmans face transplanted onto a mans body, then dressed up as a woman i read it on tmz
  10. motherfucker! dropped one of them & it gooped all over the floor karma from krump.. even though i was joking :(
  11. ^forgot phone password & was unable to play the game. jk making pb & j with banana sammiches at 4 in the morning we should make a store for these too - call it leather world, for the element of surprise
  12. i live my life a quarter mile at a time
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