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Everything posted by MedicineCabinet

  1. idk, the rules are written down & shit, but youd expect someone with mod powers to use some judgement to see what should be shut down right away or not. or if it should or every thread just has the lock symbol on it, with one thread thats open from him, titled "whats up!" haha ok. imma stop now
  2. haha well jesus, imma let you guys deal with that in whatever other threads that one leaks into imagine dude comes in here going hur hur, whats goin on here hmm? & closes this thread too :lol:
  3. sorta see what you mean, but i didnt feel like it was a thing where he stepped in because it was about the knowledge or a disagreement of it in any way, it was more of a "sweet, i get to close another thread vibe". idk, im sure people will agree with him too & say hes just doing his job, but still felt compelled to say that but you woulda liked it kept open, though?
  4. (though you may have already seen in the nonsense thread) yesh! johnny lemonhead ftw tpbm challenges random people to eating contests at restaurants/other eateries
  5. doodle, the 2nd shot is cool more mundane shit like its seinfeld public art sidewalk decay boids yoloing in june.. /
  6. http://pbfcomics.com/ http://www.redmeat.com/redmeat/ (again)
  7. false tpbm smokes bowls of mr clean magic erasers
  8. pretty weak that the ch.0 philly thread got shut down.. & yes, i do understand the "no graff talk in ch.0" thats arbitrarily enforced the point of it was to have people in ch.0 throwing in their 2 cents, not having it in brickslayers within the philly thread or with a new "yo! what did you think of skrew in philly/philly graff in general - a bunch of random people, lets argue!" thread. you put something like that there, its just going to be everyone from philly backing their own city up a lot of posts & has obviously been here a minute, but just feel like dudes strutting around with his shiny new badge a little too hard. when people are engaged in an actual conversation (as retarded as it gets) that even other mods partaking in & theres some funny to go with it, kicking in the door & going "all right people - move it along!" just seems lame as hell good one, br0
  9. so thats decys wife..? aint that precious albert, did you not go to work today? edit* nvm, translated that differently
  10. RIP your pops, man being colourblind in japan would not be fun
  11. sometimes, you wonder if a few of these subway musicians are angels in disguises
  12. is that you? just asking because if it is, i dun see the purpose of not wanting people to know your real name (if youre gonna put yourself out there like that anyway) eating the first dang meal of the day :spent3: toasted tuna sandwiches & a bean & chick pea salad
  13. MedicineCabinet


    hah smoke rings instead of gold ones guess the boss already kinda looks like a futuristic pig thats flying around, so his shit just has to be blue
  14. false tpbm has had a ponytail or a bowl cut. maybe both, even at the same time
  15. hahaha wheres that from? reminds me of red meat
  16. MedicineCabinet


    its the same game, but hes green & just runs mad slow
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