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Everything posted by MedicineCabinet

  1. MedicineCabinet


    have played a bit of the last of us as well.. sgood, but they always hold back on these games (& hype it up for the next one.. just business, i guess) - the ai could be way better bully for ps2 is highly recommended rockstar throwback
  2. MedicineCabinet


    only played a bit of metal gear solid 2 & none of three, four, or however many future/flashback ones there are now, but metal gear solid for ps was probably one of my favourite games of all time.. beat the whole thing at least 3-4 times & unlocked a lot of the secrets: forget which ending scenario gets you which bonus item (you start with at the next beginning of the game), but it depends on whether meryl survives with you - bandana or invisibility (you obviously want to beat the game at least twice so you can breeze through it once with both items) think after beating it 3 times, you get to play it over with snake wearing a tuxedo theres also ghosts hidden in the game you can flick with the camera (only shows up after if you flick the right spots) psycho mantis (boss with the gas mask who flies & has psychic powers) cant read your controller ("mind") if you switch slots during his encounter. tried this, but idk if it made too much of a difference while running through the areas with wolves, they wont bite you if your item is set to grey wolf or whatevers handkerchief. then they just make cute sounds & have a little heart icon floating above them more but cant remember the graphics are so shit compared to the other ones of course, but it was one of those double-disc games at the time with a lot of work put into it. came out well
  3. if you cant see how that was a bitch move, thats really on you & your sketches are terrible peace
  4. 101 year-old test for 8th graders in kentucky
  5. twas subpar, though got a hot pizza sitting in front.. tomatoes & pineapples with dipping sauce at the ready cold root beerX2 orchid cigarette for dessert time to relax..
  6. aint even that old; twas just a movie that was thoroughly enjoyed as a younin
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