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Dr. Dose

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Everything posted by Dr. Dose

  1. what he may have done prior to this is irrelevant to a certain point. if there was reason to beleive the man was armed and dangerous, it's still a maybe in my eyes. I mean, the dude ran for a bit, layed down and surrendered. He gets booted in the face, it really doesn't make sense. justice fail
  2. Also, would like to point out that I'm also baked, so I thinkbwe're on the same wave length
  3. The question here earl, is, is this a bad thing? as it isn't just porn that this generation is unsheltered from. And is growing up around this stuff going to result in 50 year old perverts in 2035 or is it going to be people that think of sex as much less of a big deal. As all the old pervs today were from the 70's? Which is fairly sheltered? Discuss
  4. fuck, i got put into a catholic elementary school as a kid. i didnt realize how fucked everyone was there until i got a glimpse of the regular outside world. btw, tyler frost sounds like a cool motherfuckin name.
  5. hahah i fucking love this show, im surprised to see so many don't. Anyone catch the cinqo de mayo episode, so funny!
  6. ^..so not mad styles?
  7. if you post under me, you are gay. straight up.
  8. http://www.slutload.com/watch/w40vYGuWP3X/Chris-Chan-Sextape.html not that you'd want to watch this, but here is a vid someone sent me along time ago of this dude fucking a doll. /nh
  9. this is really awesome dude. my 12oz message box is glitched. my email is wherethesidewalkends@hotmail.com, drop me a line
  10. you need to stop being so angry, i put the vid up so you could enjoy it duechebag. its a good video
  11. word, i figured it'd be thread worthy, there are like 4 different vids of it on youtube in the last week, all of them over a million views, and the one being 45 million views, which im sure is some sort of record. not that i give a shit about that stuff. i just think its a good video
  12. hmmm, ch0 can suck it, this bitch is awesome
  13. lol chill, and this deserves its own thread, come on.
  14. im sure many of you ahve seen this, but for those who haven't, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9lp0IWv8QZY old ugly bitch gets laughed at by everyone on her way up the stage, then just owns
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