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Bad Medicine

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Everything posted by Bad Medicine

  1. is this just a battle thread for grind time or battles in general...cause there are others...that ive seen that were grindtime...just as good
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_lPL4Q8cfY
  3. i do to, shit would be crazy. what if it did so happen that they were aliens. couldnt cover it up. mass panic, i wouldnt. all the non believers eating theyre words. and does anybody think it would have an impact on peoples faith in religion?
  4. haha, that was a ragaee version ive never heard before thought it was kinda cool.
  5. but but but,......they want to.....believe.....
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dximvU6euy0
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