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Everything posted by SwampFightOner

  2. I automatically assume most people in life are clowns. I'm sure the percentages on the oontz are even higher. I'm with you on this one homie
  3. Boris is goin hard tonight, no homo
  4. One girl tried to make me wait. I got rid of her relatively quickly after I figured out what she was doing
  5. My old basement used to be fuckin PACKED with silverfish I've never been more sorrouned/disgusted by bugs than my Grandma's crib in Virginia. Holy shit it's terrible
  6. Damn Fruity, you never had a Choco Taco? Shit's serious
  7. I make alot of drunken breakfast sandwiches. Usually bacon, cheese, and egg with runny ass yolk on toast or an onion bagel
  8. Basically our hoods are split between Jim Jones look-a-likes (TPWFs), and the real grimey, dirty muthafuckas. Very few normal looking people, such as myself
  9. ALOT of hood muthafuckas rock tight pants now. Dominicans/Jamaicans especially are on the forefront of the tight pants movement
  10. Apparently you get a free burger if you bring a friend and order one? So REALLY they're only $2,500 a piece...pauper ass, frontin ass muthafucka. :lol: Edit: It also comes with a bottle of wine that goes for $2,500-4,200. Starting to sound like a better deal every second
  11. Broad's got Crown Fried, but I think the only actual Kennedy we have is in Olneyville Apparently, according to Wikipedia, Crown is affiliated with Kennedy though.
  12. You muthauckas got me ready to hit Kennedy now. 3 Piece with mashed and a biscuit, and a 5 piece mozzarella stick. Come on Abdul, don't got all day over here.
  13. My best friend is Dominican, that muthafucka won't eat at least half the shit I make. He straight up eats around the mushrooms in my chicken alfredo I also tried to get him to eat seafood a bunch of times, and finally succeeded with some grilled scallops. I felt bad because he puked the shit up like 5 seconds after swallowing haha
  14. I used to make sushi every morning when I worked at a restaurant, shit just doesn't appeal to me. At least I've tried it though, I know 100's of people that would immediately be like "AW HELL NAW NIGGA, GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME WIT DAT SHIT B" Fuck it though, who cares
  15. On the sushi tip, I'm gunna half defend DAO The people I grew up with, and the guys I still regularly chill with, have all probably never had or dislike sushi. I can see how someone would think sushi isn't regular food. However, since I mostly hang out with girls from a better upbringing than my own, I do understand that alot of people eat the shit for some reason
  16. ^ Someone's Irish I see? Haha I read Rat Bastards on the train back from Boston, it was damn good. I'm gunna check out these other ones. Props.
  17. You seem to really like your Wii and your computer, don't you? Like I said before, it's cool if giving to charity makes you happy, but I don't care to do it. Maybe a big TV and expensive food doesn't make you happy, but don't tell me it won't brighten my day
  18. BF, you don't sound too high and mighty, but your husband certainly does
  19. I've decided I'm gunna go get a few books today. I honestly haven't read anything good in awhile, so hook me up with some recommendations Anything on the mob, biker gangs, or prison gangs would be appreciated
  20. I guess I'm just old school in this regard, but I personally get really offended if a girl tries to pay. You want to offer once that's nice of you and all, but when I tell you I got it just smile and say "Thank you". After you've been together for awhile if the girl wants to take me out for something specific and pay that's OK every once in awhile, but other than that please keep your money in your purse
  21. I honestly can't imagine ever being addicted to something to the point where I need help from other people to stop
  22. I'll come visit if that translates into $800 onions haha
  23. Speak for yourself, running from the cops is fuckin horrifying Sure it's funny to talk about later if you got away, but I've only got a 60/40 or so win/loss ration, and that's not really good enough for my taste
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