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Everything posted by tookthetime

  1. seyer,radiolo,tripsup bought you guys some things today, plan on having it out by midweek... randomhero, going to try and decipher ur address thru the smeary addy..
  2. morton, if ur referring to the food yes. false. tpbm hates surprises.
  3. true. um. a car in general would be great. tpbm has volunteered their time to something pretty noble.
  4. safeway all day erry day, fuckka 5 dolla subway.
  5. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear CALIgula, So as to avoid the same fiasco I've ordered some other jewelry. haha. hope your day goes well. TTT
  6. Dear boris, I was wondering if i could get in on that anthrax? please skip the 20 dollars. If you could however address it to my boss or my neighbors annoying dog itd be much appreciated.
  7. false, but soon..... happy birthday tho! tpbm logs in everyday, multiple times.
  8. kids in makeup freak me out. well. kids in general for the most part.
  9. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear toiletseat, if by pancakes you mean your mothers sweet sweet ass.then no.
  10. your dad should get props for even knowing how to use a computer.
  11. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Caligula, I hope you are wrong about hoops instead of rings. Now i'm considering switching.
  12. lmao. clearly she could use all of the above. except salmon. i'm sure that only enhanced that oh so fresh aroma already going on in her pants.
  13. false. i'm a girl and uninterested in hustling cookies in stupid outfits. tpbm knows that the walmart dollar can metallics were a come-up and misses them so.
  14. i know, but the addy was all smeared. cant really see an address.
  15. was chip 7 a part of this show too? even tho it ended. just wondering...
  16. oh hardy har har jonathon
  17. true. tpbm has gone camping this summer.
  18. if by vacation you mean smoke myself retarded, then yes. tpbm is @ work
  19. negative on the tits. but um.happy birthday.
  20. i keep trying to sleep. but my boss keeps saying something about not being paid to sleep.
  21. how ironic? im the only person in this thread currently. fuckkkk
  22. http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n310/justAgirlNm/SDC13230.jpg[/img]"] ......i was trying to balance : /
  23. true. for an akward as fuck breakfast. with my dad. his ex chick. and my grandmother. tpbm spies on their neighbors for entertainment.
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