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Everything posted by Price250

  1. I tried for months to find someone with an invite, so I was happy to see open registration. But with the surge of toys joining, closed registration looks pretty damn good.
  2. Oh shit. I looked up and down this entire forum for a thread like this, before I started mine. The search feature must really suck. Anyways, sorry to whoever started this thread. I didn't mean to rip yours off. My bad.
  3. Yeh, I have reported him too. Its just getting rediculous and pathetic now. Please, great Mods in the sky, hear our plea!
  4. Vanilla Faces and Porch Monkeys. Wow, racism shows you are soo hardcore.
  5. Can't a mod ban this fucker? Excuse me while I go find the ignore button.
  6. Heh, pot calling the kettle black?
  7. Great names guys! I have talked to too many people who are just like, "I thought it sounded cool, so that's what I write."
  8. :lol: Thanks for actually posting a pic! Idiots out the making shit up. :mad: Never know who to believe. As Dave Chappelle (sp?) would say, sprinkle some crack on her. She will get up an run away.
  9. Bob Marley's (So terribly cliché!) remix album "Roots, Rock, Remix" is pretty damn good. Don't worry, Im not some Marley worshipper, I have a well balenced reggae diet. Although he is the king of reggae! And the Notorious B.I.G. video feat. Bob Marley rocks to a point that no other can touch it.
  10. I was curious how everyone got the inspiration for your names. I came up with Price250 after watching a documentary on the sex slave trade. They were talking about how they were auctioning them off like animals, and some were going for $250.00. 250 bucks for a human life! :mad: Anyways, Price250 just stuck in my head, and it helps me to remember the people out there that have no control over their life, and the fight against corrupt politicions who make a profit by letting things go unchecked. Because of this, I am more of a anti-political writer, as is much of my graffiti. Sorry if this thread has already been done, I searched and couldn't find anything.
  11. Yeah, it's as old as dirt, but I figured wtf. And if its so fucked, get the fuck off.
  12. He also finds sex to be a pain in the ass.:lol:
  13. What the fuck were they gonna do with that pointy thing? Poke her? (sarcasm)
  14. True, but you would look really cool! :D I used the term "gas mask" to give the idiot some sort of idea of what a resperator looks like. Because he obviously thought we were talking about ski masks or something. I only use a mask if I am doing something that will take longer than five minutes of painting. For stencils, tags, etc., I just wear a bandanna. And to Deathfromabove, check out the spray safe thread.
  15. I can already see the kids wearing "stop snitchin" tshirts to school. I live within an hour from this town. I think I'm moving. Mad props to the kids for creativity though! I mean, a paperweight, wow. But get this, all the kids except for one are still in her class! That teacher probably pisses herself for every "F" on a test she grades! :D
  16. ^Amen.^ His mommy doesn't give him enough attention, so he has to come online to get noticed.
  17. Toy. ^^^ How the hell is a resperator going to make you look like a cat burgular? How many thieves walk around wearing fucking gas masks? And you obviously have never painted shit, because you would know it doesn't get you high, it kills you. Dumbass.
  18. I'm a pretty big guy. 6"3 and 250lb. I have never had a confrontation, and I guess it because of that. Btw, spray paint + zippo = scared hero. (That's sarcasm for all the people about to rip my head off.)
  19. Dude, act your age, not your IQ. Just because someone knocks your ass to the ground, don't be a pussy and start a thread just to bitch about him. You define the word toy.
  20. Mad props to the kid. Remind me to cross the street next time I see him! :D
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