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Everything posted by sneekatoke

  1. doooppee! ...and i remember when i thought biggie front boards where tech as fuck...:rolleyes:
  2. Yo man she dont have a computer, is named georgina, and is hangin around on almeda and by DG? you prolly dont want to hook up with her...
  3. Re: a transit cop is giving me a government job right fucking now!!! ive never seen such a wide collection of tranny photos as i have in this thread. I vote we quit changin the name around and just make it the "tranny appreciation thread"... ...we all know that's why it was really started:huh:
  4. Re: a tranny is giving me a handjob right fucking now!!! dude fuck this thread, someone make one about misled youth. video is the shit. that and black cat.. pppppppppppppp rops! *on a side note, ryan smiths song listed as the drunk injuns, which one is it? link?
  5. Re: a tranny is giving me a handjob right fucking now!!! trannyhands and slayer are/will continue to be hot on the forum right now, hurry up and get your hahas and quips in before its out!!
  6. Re: a tranny is giving me a handjob right fucking now!!! haha wtf @ title change
  7. Re: a tranny gave me a blowjob last night then you explode. dont try it.
  8. Re: a tranny gave me a blowjob last night ...?
  9. lurk nasty. used to get on on friends s/n's, just made one like a year or two ago.... been postin recently though... much to everyones dismay it seems... lol @ trannyjobbers
  10. Re: a tranny gave me a blowjob last night btw... why DID the title change from handjob to blowjob???
  11. Re: a tranny gave me a blowjob last night holy shit i read this all this as funny as shit, but i havent done anything for hours... ...thas worse than a trannyjobber... ...but worth it. prolly like the trannyjobber.
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