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Everything posted by sneekatoke

  1. fuckin shit... this dont look good. and 4 loko was bad enough...
  2. ...would be down, houston, check posts or whatever and let me know...
  3. zen the zens are ok but that handstyle is lame, it takes away from the sketch...
  4. "nuke the wales" -another poster in nelsons room.. ...chomsky is a shitbird...
  5. 2 threads down and to the right... ...there will be a troll there with 3 questions though, be prepared... ...btw use brake fluid for a homemade clear coat! just mop it on, it will save money...
  6. bored, decided id try a quick one, will try to refine but i always say that so heres this in case...
  7. bored at work a while ago... the d seems mad out of place...
  8. i am disappoint. wheres the swastikas and crude hate messages? wtf is this arty shit?
  9. i come back into ch0 and sausage party is makin successful threads and in the green? ...its like my world was flipped upside down...
  10. pen sech exchange... kinda lame after the e, prolly do another... (and some random so's and practice letters ha ha ) edit:sorry bout the size...
  11. troll toll... some random stuff...
  12. im sayin your style has always been in the same vein, but now you have the G, E,S , and the O's are usually smaller/less complex, it looks similar, not that your bitin, really...
  13. tough ish goes... lookin kinda ges-ish though, justsayin..
  14. randoms, havent been on too much lately...
  15. robot - interesting theme and the char is ok but the letters are wtf as well as the 3d... norinda - the structure needs mad work, like the widths and stuff, the random cutins/folds, the knobs, ... and watch your 3d the directions are all mixed up... both mad drips though...
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