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Everything posted by sneekatoke

  1. havent posted in a little bit, so, heres random drunken sketches... an s: an o: sheisty sodem: lil stickers: weird s: messin around: i dont know..:
  2. which one do you want critiqued? ill let you know what i think can be helped, etc, but not on all those man... i already type too much as it is!
  3. that y on the FUCKIN SIMPLE is no bueno. besides that its pretty dope, i agree w/ freak, i think you should try some more complex stuff, your simples are always pretty clean. SNOE ... EONS.... ha... SNOE -pretty good, the throw's s is alright but i dont dig the rest. the simples pretty good too. EONS - i like where youre goin with that. the right side of the n throws it off i think though, its a lil big. N8 - try sketching 4 even circles (lightly just keep doing circles with your pencil until it looks pretty close to exactly round), then take a little out of the 1st one to make a c, leave the 2nd, add a middle bar and take out a little of the 3rd to make an e and lightly sketch an s INSIDE the last circle... finally, do a clean, darker line over the best looking sketched lines and erase the rest... that should help you a lot...(tried to make it real easy to get over the net) ENOR - moar simples
  4. here goes: SCOE - your first one (yellow) is not proportionate. The o has about even bars, while the center bars on the s and c for example are skinnier. the 2nd (white) one is choppy and the top of the c is thick, like someone said. better though. the last one has some disproportion as well, like the center s and e bars, and the s is leaning to the left. dig the simple fill though. SAW - needs at least one arrow man, c'mon this is GRAFFEETY, BRO. but it is dope. KOTE - take that wing off the o or at least curve the right bar, it makes it look like a u. also, the thing to the left of the last k doesn't fit in, the curve bar is too skinny. JEG - you should just do simples, but if you want to know whats wrong with it: 1. your random extentions. Those bump things on the g and j don't seem to make sense. 2. your letters are disproportionate. The middle bar on the e is skinny, the top j bar is weird, too. 3. your 3-d is off. The lines go all over the place... 4. the floaters dont really flatter the piece, it makes it look worse by not making sense as well and being choppy. 5. your lines are choppy, sometimes the 2 sides of a letter dont match, for example. 6. what is that thing going into the g? It is random and blah blah blah... 7. whats up with the forcefield? It's all lumpy by the g and stuff, are those supposed to be bubbles? If so, they don't look like it. oh and not from the west coast... 3rd coast... still better than CT though... ha-ha. In all seriousness, though, dont take advice as hate, people here are sometimes annoyed by toys, but ALWAYS HATE a toy with an ego that wont take advice.
  5. no man... no... do simples
  6. sneekatoke


    jeg, you are retarded. you posted something that was not a throw up in the throw up thread, when someone noted that, and noted that it was in fact not only not a throw up, but a toy drawing that needed to be in the toy thread, you got angry and proceeded to be e-hard. You may not want to hear it from "one of these jockstraps up here", but truth is, your letters are hurt, you need to be doing simples and probably not wasting paint. but, oh well, keep smashin shit under your snowy bridges for the nice moose...meese...whatever the plural is...
  7. sneekatoke


    you are visibly upset about this. you obviously paint to impress people on the internet. heres some old throws:
  8. i actually stopped by for my first time yesterday as well... didn't like it, too light and too many sig gifs and rainbows and shit...
  9. sneekatoke


    jeg, that does look wack as fuck, and i would say that to your face on a train, in a plane, in a box or with a fox... it is also in the wrong thread, its not throw. throws are for fast application in a spot, not using 3 colors, adding crooked ass 3d reflection lines and lil extentions all over the place... dont talk shit to someone tryin to send you where youll get the help you need...
  10. cause if you dont your letters have anti-style...worse than no style... you have to know your letter structure before you try to add shit, or it will look like a 10 yr old juggalo's doodles, also teaches patience and a striving for perfection, i think.. at the very least you will learn to keep a straight line...
  11. but your tail light is gonna get you pulled over for sure...
  12. you should never STOP doing simples. they are the basis of wshat you are trying to achieve, even in the most complex piece. do simples, and use bars when sketching
  13. so, i was too lazy to finish this one
  14. i thought this was gonna suck, but its actually pretty good
  15. handsteez! letters a lil off, se seems a lil spaced compared to the nok
  16. just - your letters need to be more proportionate as well, like the s... the middle is mad skinny compared to all the rest of it.
  17. resik - i think he meant your "handy". also, your letters arent goin so well, try to do straighter, more proportionate letters...
  18. @stotr r on the 1st one has a weird look w/ the leg comin from the junction of the loop and leg, kinda like a p sprouted a leg... 2nd one: loose the o/t connection....last ones good
  19. lower dip in the e is way fat compared to the rest of the letters.. and try to go over your finished outline and press harder on your pencil doing as long and solid of a line as you can, the outlines mad shaky, a lot better though
  20. ocean - i think that katelin would look a lot better if the bottom was even like the top somewhat is.. kiosk - i would try to do more straight letters (less curves)..
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