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Everything posted by sneekatoke

  1. i would def lose the loopy thing on the end of that e...
  2. shoulda drew simples, but instead i drew s's... figured id add pics
  3. alright so i saw these guys, and i didn't know where to put it... it was hilarious. /coolstory
  4. blades of steel and toe jam and earl!!!! and this one, i thought it was the shit then..
  5. ^^^^tight x2 i got the christmas special for $5 at a closing hollywood video... shit was ha ha larious.. "....did you fuck my mom?" "w-what?" "DID YOU FUCK MY MOM, SANTA? HUH? DID YOU FUCK HER? DID YOU FUCK MY MOM ?!?" *are the new ones still gonna be on FX?
  6. shows used to be dope... back when you could get a nice lungful of second hand smoke... reminds me of seein these responsible young men: alcohol!
  7. someone gave me one and i expected much worse from michelob... considering i fucking hate them. ...and c'mon man, the orange slice has sunglasses, hes cool... haha
  8. skatin! and this one barely makes it..
  9. this is kinda good for what it is:
  10. the alot haha thanks guys those are justy old flicks from old books.... ....$1 lon e staras.. whaaaatt1!!
  11. one of my first attempts at a "piece"... it needed at least 3 more arrows. also notice the progressive question mark for a d, and kool krew.. ... the rest of these are just old, some newer than others, obviously: just let me know if anyone wants me to stop posting all these old flicks, i just get bored and figure ill add random flicks.. *oh and thanks for the advice, fellas
  12. could you clarify? ive been writing for awhile now, i was just wonderin what was fucked about it
  13. quick yawn, hate those letters... right now..
  14. pen quickie before the bars, might sketch somethin later though
  15. i do sometimes, theres some with a y in some of the sketches i put up. i partly started using sodem cause of a friend i write with sometimes named mijos. sodemijos...sodemyhoes..what? and partly cause its just rearranging the letters of demos, the previous moniker... and thanks for the sketch, service, you write euphoria? im down to exchange with whoever wants to... just lemme know
  16. more arroz? Some old stuff from last year/08 i think
  17. this but with the last e in the same style and scheme as the other letters imo
  18. and stop biting mr wiggles:lol:
  19. some stuff that wouldnt upload with the first post:
  20. Stotr: the r's cool man, but that hybrid aint really workin, methinks. I think with a fresh little simple s, more like the last one you posted, it would be way better Riek: you got so much better than what you originally posted, keep doin it!! (except the sig haha) Viseversa: even if he is tracin he aint cheatin himself, hes still learning letter structure, maybe you should try some tracin.
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