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Everything posted by DrPiddlesworth

  1. There is a time and place for doing things. Laying in bed can be one of them. It is awesome sometimes. I for one am also a huuuuuge fan of naps. I have/remember the best damn dreams when I nap.
  2. For some reason I thought you mean Jennifer Love Hewitt. I was very confused for a minute and not very happy at all. as it is... RIP to courtney love
  3. If you want to go indoors there is always Rye Airfield which is pretty well known but you may not know of it. It's in New Hampshire and it's the best indoor park up that way. They have 3 cement bowls and a big ol' wooden clover bowl and a half pipe and a miniminiramp and a newish miniramp. It's nice.
  4. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD what the fuck kinda bird is this shit? taken out a fucking deer!
  5. http://www.hbo.com/global-video/video.html/?autoplay=true&vid=1086486&filter=how-to-make-it-in-america&view=null Little HBO Documentary thing about "Making it in America" and skating in NYC It's a little cheesy but it was sorta cool.
  6. Okay check out this trailer for this crazy horror movie. It's sorta long but it looks intense. http://www.iheartchaos.com/content/holy-shit-watch-red-band-trailer-serbian-film-most-insane-thing-ever-i-heart-movies Just to be sure this is totally something Twinky would post. There is blood and tits and fucking going on so, it's Not Safe For Work. I don't know how I feel about it. On one hand if it's put together well it could be a crazy good horror film ...according to nothing in particular some say it's the next big thing in horror/ unwatchable at times. On the other hand it could just be a poor attempt at shock horror and end up just being bad. Discuss
  7. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD who comes here as a guest seriously... just sign up. i see you all lurkin.
  8. Shit I don't want it to be anxiety crap. Oh well. Hopefully the doctor will give me some shit to calm me down or something.
  9. this is weird. im going to the doctor next week for my heart thing. i don't actually know what it is. it happens randomly every couple of weeks. my heart will suddenly go crazy beating wicked fast irregular beats and it gets hard to breathe its sorta painful but it wasn't too bad for the last three or so years. it is getting worse now. i finally decided to go to a doctor cause im pretty sure the last two times it happened once it does stop happening it feels like my heart stops altogether for a few seconds and i couldnt breathe. sorta freaked me out.
  10. I'd still place my penis in her. Even if she is gay.
  11. oh shit these guys were awesome and these guys too and who could forget good ol calvin and hobbes (even though that was more of a comicstrip) and im not sorry about the size
  12. Everyone on here knows how to read. This thread is for you guys to remember all those books from back in the day when you just started to read that were/are awesome. It's crazy how much more you remember when you think about it for a minute. Of course you have your Dr. Seuss Books And this guy: And others: I think it'd be interesting to see what different people read as kids and if you didn't read you might've gotten read to and if that didn't happen then this thread isn't for you. So, think back to the good ole days of naps and playing guns and whatnot and post up.
  13. I lurk like crazy. I read so much more on this site than I actually comment on or take part in. It's crazy seeing all the people from like early 2000's in here still steady lurkin'. Haha
  14. I've had three lucid dreams so far. I read about them like a year and a half ago. And for a while I just tried to concentrate on them so they don't end wicked fast. This thread makes me wanna read up on em again so I can try and really get it down. They were all pretty normal...sorta. The first one was my as a child (10-13) skateboarding with the Gonz, Guy Mariano, and Jason Lee and that one was the longest and best one. I just chilled with them and skated different spots. Another I was in the middle of a crazy dream and I realized yes i am dreaming I'm gunna go do something awesome and then I wake up (I don't really remember what happened). And the last I was in a room in a hotel just chilling and I was like hmm I guess I am dreaming and then I decided that there would be two chicks in the room next to me who were so down for a threesome so I ran over to that room and opened the door and woke up. Fuck. SO I wanna work at it. I had this dream in my sophomore year in highschool that I will never forget. I have trouble explaining this one. I can't go into detail because I literally dreamed an entire year. Or at least what seemed like an entire year. I would go to sleep and wake up like normal and everything happened like normal I would go to school and different things would happen but all within the realm of reality. It was a serious mindfuck when I woke up for real and a day hadn't gone by when it had seemed like months have gone by. I don't know if the things in the dream came true. I know some vague details did. Stuff like my friend got a girlfriend and that changed him a bunch (and that did happen) and other random shit like that. I've had dreams of full days or my morning schedual as well but nothing compares to spending what seems like an entire school year in a dream and then waking up to find out it was all a dream.
  15. Most of them are very slippery in my experience cause of all the dust. That stuff seems to collect like crazy in big open places. And maybe it's cause they are all run by skaters who don't really wanna go sweep and mop the place every couple of hours.
  16. Re: --------- GET OMELETTE OR DIE TRY'N - The Official Omelette appreciation thread ------ cumomlette.com it is exactly what it sounds like and its pretty nasty. thats what i think about now whenever i hear omelette. good job internet.
  17. For the snowskate thing I don't see why they just don't totally shovel out the area and the just skate it. It seems warm enough at least in that video. The only reason why I don't like to skate in the winter is the cold. You can move snow. Speaking of that I was skating a pool that was like half filled with snow today because there was nowhere else to put it and the walls are too high for it to easily get pushed out. It was still a lot of fun.
  18. http://remotecontrol.mtv.com/2010/02/01/jersey-shore-poll-where-should-season-two-take-place/ they are having vote to see where they go next. detriot is winning and personally i would like to see them get fucked up in detroit (i dont mean drunk i mean beaten) but i think ther internet should make them go to the congo because itd be funnier/ might get the show stopped
  19. In all honesty I do a ton of front slashes cause I think they are fun and they are just an easy trick to do to get my bearings straight for the next trick. Also I have a really weird request I was hoping you guys could help me on. A while back (summer probably) there was a video from crailtap that just had a bunch of the guys skateboarding around the park they have at the Girl Offices. There was one guy who said he liked pizza so much he got a pizza in the shape of a lightningbolt tattoo the day before. I want to know who this is or what video this is if you guys might rememebr it. I can't for the life of me remember.
  20. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD OOH DAMN! That truck is going all over the place and it juuuuuust barely doesn't land on the guy.
  21. Nonono the ownership was changing. It won't be gone, but it won't be nearly as cool.
  22. My local skateshop is changing owners after a very long time. I found this out as I happened to walk in the store for the first time in a month and almost everything was packed up. I got a ton of stickers, some magazines, a zoo york deck, and a set of Stevie Williams Gold Wheels for 50 bucks. I am broke as hell and had to borrow all the money from a friend haha, but it seemed like a good deal and they were closing down today so, hooray for me.
  23. Ah RAD skatepark it's the only one around that I have yet to go to and I think those pictures pretty much confirm that I needa get my ass over there.
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