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Mr. Incognito

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Everything posted by Mr. Incognito

  1. i've seen a couple through upstate ny...hardly ever though
  2. i've seen way worse on the rails than those two pieces. they arent that great but come on
  3. Re: American WholeCar thread... saw that yeti in my yard the other week....i didnt think those BPRR's moved much
  4. yeah i wonder why they are being scrapped...
  5. i think you should know a bit more about how your own hometown's police work than we should, dumbass.
  6. if thats the same line that was layed up in my city a couple months ago, which i think it is because i remember the sigh and zine, then go back and check out the rest.....lots of good stuff. its worth the walk
  7. anyone know what he average yard worker makes?
  8. the fact that there are probably a hundred throughout the stores makes it seem unrealistic to me
  9. im starting to think home depot's cameras are fake, unless they're by the registers. i dunno for sure though.
  10. i've kinda been wondering lately what would happen if some asshole were to go into a yard with letter/number stencils and just completely restamp something random, letters and numbers. like turning an EEC into a KCS for example.
  11. whoever is gonna say "fuck the numbers" should just stop painting freights all together because you must not understand it in the first place. idiots.
  12. does anyone care about kose?
  13. doesn't seem too stupid to take flicks in yards around my area during the day. workers will stop to talk and typically seem to think its cool when people show the interest. as long as you dont have paint, they dont care around here. that sucks about your yard peyote, shoulda regulated harder!
  14. bugs suck, especially those gross ass silverfish
  15. mega! and ich's end to ends!
  16. Mr. Incognito


    bones and nova! and that harsh at the end is dope.. good post!
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