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Mr. Incognito

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Everything posted by Mr. Incognito

  1. got a few more... i have a feeling all those Rbox's are headed to the scrap yard... anyway thats it for now
  2. pretty cool seeing cars i had no idea went out that way.....
  3. depressing. good flicks though. i haven't been stoked these days to paint any csx boxcars cus it seems like even ones that look good are still getting scrapped.
  4. yeah not a TOTAL mystery...he kinda gave his life story in freight train graffiti (the book)
  5. you have an eye for this stuff, keep it up. can't wait to see more
  6. caught yesterday (saturday)...first day all week with no rain...
  7. our main yards are still moving but i can think of a few auto rack spots that have had the same lines sitting for over a year now. my suggestion is kill everything on the lines. they'll move eventually
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