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Everything posted by ms.seyer

  1. yeah irak i probably would, and bboat knows whats up :lol: i'm not even gonna try to sleep till i get sleepy, i'm on break i'm supposed to wake up late. haha
  2. False The person below me has been hospitalized this year.
  3. False. Hi Malin!! :) The person below me is currently in a relationship.
  4. False. I make hate. haha jk The person below me is in a good mood right now.
  5. False. The person below me is watching the stanley cup finals right now
  6. nice flicks count, that just made me want to travel out east more.
  7. if only it was effective, i wouldn't be tossing and turning so much.
  8. damn :( insomnia sucks. i just layed in bed last night but i wasn't able to sleep till 6. i just woke up, but i wanted to go back to sleep but i can't, so i have to get up.
  9. do you still take long naps during the day? if you do you should try limiting your nap time to 90 minutes and save the rest of your sleep for the night i dont know thats what's been working for me so far.
  10. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Bbo4t, I think aim isn't letting you see my messages. IM me! haha -seysey Dear pizzy aka the god, TMI! hahah jk your pic will motivate more than one who knows hundreds. -msey
  11. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Cali, That sucks, forget about that two timing beezy and move on. -seyer Dear vulcano, Ouch. Seems like girls have not been getting along with you lately. jk. how are things with the girl and the moms? hope all is well -MS Dear bboat, How come you don't reply back to my messages anymore? ): I'm not mad, I just miss talking to you -MS14
  12. Re: Don't Call it Frisco jaut cares
  13. i loved passing by this one in the car
  14. Awesome post bbq vibes, its like a travel brochure up in here
  15. you shut up, i was talking to you when i was getting dizzy. :lol:
  16. No i'm not a mom it was a babyshower for my sister in law. no kids for seyer! haha :lol:!!!! fetal blasticus
  17. last week - just chilled in china town and had gelato This weekend there was a babyshower at the house edit* im not pregoo it was for my sister in law. there was way more gifts than this later on got a little bored and dizzy so i played barrel of monkeys with my cousin
  18. Chops coming in with the simple but awesome flicks. I want one of those giant rabbits now haah
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