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Everything posted by ms.seyer

  1. This is from Friday: Started with a late lunch/dinner. The rest of Friday night was random, and a blur.
  2. I think I wanna own one of those giant rabbits now. Chops, hook it up. Mail me a rabbit :) kthnx
  3. Chops, that's one big ass fuckin rabbit. asl, nice flicks
  4. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear CaliG, Haha yeah that premium thing gets in my way of knowing if I've reached the vet stats. But oh well. I'll see within a month. -seysey Dear self, I'm tired from playing at chuck e. cheese for tickets to win my nephew stuff. After eating all that pizza and buffalo wings, and running around I think I'll pass out before watching the fight at my broham's house. -Sery tired. Dear bboat, You didn't ruin my day from sending that text, but I'm glad I wasn't eating at the time I checked my messages. :lol: -ms 14
  5. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Cali cali caliente G, Thanks! So should I be expecting a bunch of people showing up by surprise at my house carrying a large check that's taller than me? Or do I just get bumped to the "veteran" stage? :lol: Cheers, m.seyer
  6. Bfish, your commentaries and photographs absolutely compliment each other so well. I always enjoy reading your posts.
  7. Haha ralphy I have that same sf card thing too
  8. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear C-----aka dude in my class, Let's make take this small talk and staring contest to the a & b conversation stage. I tried to talk to you more today, but you were high out of your mind, so I don't know if you knew what you were saying at all, but you were mad funny with your nonsense. See you monday. -m.seyrious Dear weather, You just turned ugly out of nowhere. I mean I don't mind the rain. But why such bad timing? -m.soaked
  9. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear santanania bonderos, Did you say Cherry Garcia, tacos, and pho? Oh, and at home tattoos? You are living life at it's best right there. blinky, sey sey
  10. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear enragedboatski, I thought we discussed this last night. But you didn't tell me you wanted them so bad. What would you get me for my birthday huh?? -k'nex dealer seyerzeeler
  11. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Gangster-walk, Good luck tomorrow. Take a deep breath and let those people experience some epicness. - m. sey Dear brother and nephew, Happy birthdays you two. I'm sorry I didn't get to see you on your birthday today, but I called you both earlier I'll make it up on saturday by bringing food and drinks to watch the boxing fight. I'll even win all the tickets in those games at chuckie cheese, even if I hate going there, and let little kenny choose whatever prize he wants. Oh and not to mention, I got you k'nex. -nanni Dear oontzers, It has come to my attention that I'll be soon reaching a 5,000 post count. What will come about? Will I fall into a huge vortex that will kick me out of this earth, or will it just become a brand new four digit number? I guess it doesnt matter. -missus seyer
  12. Fuckin sweeet tracks. Glad I bumped this thread. Props to anyone I can in here.
  13. True. I got Pandora on the whole time I'm using the computer. The person below me used to like k'nex as a child.
  14. BUMP THIS THREAD. Groundation- Babylon Rule Dem http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OC_Vs6bWRww
  15. Bfish and Sneak are now my favorite "day in pics" posters, but everyone's got nice flicks!
  16. HOLY!! :lol: This shit has me dying.
  17. Nice flicks bboat! And yeah I had a good lawl sesh to that :lol:
  18. False. The person below me is narcissistic.
  19. True The person below me has big lips.
  20. Asl you sure one of those drunk fucks wasn't you? :lol: i keeds
  21. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear 2215120, 9 311420 415 208919 198920 119 611920 119 251521! :lol: -19525518
  22. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear BBOAT aka 2215120!, I just realized, all of our super duper uber long ass letters... Are gone! All that time spent writing and perfecting lol epic letters. Oh well. The saga will continue. :lol: -53y3R Ps. nerd! :)
  23. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Magnum, Wow. :lol: Good luck. -seyer
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