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Everything posted by ms.seyer

  1. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear saturday, you made my head hurt dear spenty, sorry i didnt respond to your aim message, i didnt see it for a while, but when i saw it you were already signed off. however, i did pm you back. -misusseyer
  2. Its for people who like chubby people. Are you into chubbers?
  3. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear vulcano draino, Coool once you graduate it's a good feeling, especially if you didn't like school like me. hahaha If your mom is gonna act like a bitch about not going to your graduation, then it's up to her, she'll end up feeling bad about it in the long run. Plus you don't want parent drama when your trying to celebrate something that you finished. That's just how I see it. And for the girly, just let her be. The cunt phase goes away...hopefully. Drama shows up in life all the time, but when it all falls down just say fuck it. Oh and I havent read Survivor yet by Chuck P, but I picked it up a couple of weeks ago. You should read Rant, it's a good book too. Hope things come together for you, good luck. -seyloca
  4. No, I only make sandwiches for one guy unless he wants to share, but how about I buy you lunch?
  5. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear vulcan nic nack, What up. Nothing much goin on except that I'm now on summer break for about 2 weeks. What's goin on with you? -seysey
  6. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear vulcan and spenty, Good luck with your girlfriends. It's a crazy world full of bitches, and bitches are crazy. -missuseyer Dear Marcoooo, HELLO! HOLA! BONJOUR! ALOHA! -seyerita
  7. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear dbeastygabe, Hahaha. I ain't slad. I think that dude was slad. -seyer Dear GZOO, Yeah, don't! :D -seysey
  8. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear some guy, Look, I was not smiling at you from my car as a friendly smile. I was smiling because I was about to laugh at how low your pants were. Pull up your fucking pants mac! I don't need to see your red boxers, I got someone else to look at. And don't flatter yourself because you were not cute. So don't smile at me with your low hangin pants! -seyrious
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