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Everything posted by ms.seyer

  1. I ban sparingly, but it's a zoo right now
  2. I thought the Tonga Bar closed? Hmmm my cousin was wrong. haha
  3. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Marco, Have fun out here! Did you find out where you are going to watch fireworks at? -Seyziller
  4. True. well when i do have a canvas to paint on. The person below me had a bad week.
  5. Nice flicks all around. Haha Lugr, what's up with the doggy diner heads?
  6. Bboat is gonna be the front face of Undah Amah, theo will be for advertising the logo he made.
  7. You were backspacin trying to misspell words on purpose.
  8. HAHAHAHAHAHA YESSS UNDAH AMAH! Theo granted my wish. props
  9. I thought you were supposed to be off the hook now?
  10. brows, nose, face shape, and goggles.
  11. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear vulcan, Happy birthday riggz. Don't be too proud about being able to buy cancer sticks. You are now a possible pedo suspect. lifeinthefastlanerigguh, seyzer
  12. the one on the left kinda looks like you soup.
  13. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear vulcan, For crissakes, I'm sure you've heard of it before. haha Life is ok, I'm working some mediocre job, and I got summer school, which started today, which fucked my wallet over. haha How you been vulcanic? -seyzer Dear cold, Why the fuck do I get you in the busiest times of my life you're a total fucking asshole, not to mention I haven't been this sick many times before in one year. What the fuck? -seyrious
  14. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear co-worker, The answer is NO. So for chrissakes leave me alone. Thanks. -notinterestedandannoyedoner
  15. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear c-walkin, Cheers to the good life. - m.seyer
  16. i'll have a better mic next time. no more low volume mics or mumbling
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