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Everything posted by ms.seyer

  1. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear C walk-a-thon, You are correct sir. Thanks for the early greeting. -ms(paint). seyer Dear B.fish, Congrats on leaving the graveyard shift. Enjoy your nights with sleep and your days at work with sunlight. -seysey
  2. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Danny, I have failed once again to be there for your birthday. Since it will be your 21st, you will probably be celebrating it involving spirits and whatnot, and I cannot do that yet. I promise to make it up somehow when I travel back to hell aye with a nice picnic. -seylocc Dear 19, 11 more days -ms.seyer Dear certain someone, I'm worried about you. Go ahead and laugh it up. I still care though. -seysey
  3. HAHAHAHAHAHA HATER and manute scared this random black girl who went on cam. her facial expression was priceless and left within 2 seconds :lol: :lol:
  4. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Show me where it hurts nurse zeebs, Good luck with nursing school! Probably one of the illest midwife ever. -seynorita
  5. False The person below me is a quick thinker
  6. Awesome python and pit/lab/rottie mix. all pets in here are gnarly
  7. False. The person below me feels trapped.
  8. it sucks when i need to sleep early to wake up early only to go to bed to lay awake
  9. if i fall asleep sometime before 3am i always wake up at 3:30am then just go back to sleep.
  10. After more than 2 months of sleeping around 3-4am I find myself needing to force myself to sleep before midnight since I have to wake up at 5:30am. This is gonna be one hell of a toss and turner. I've also been having really bad nightmares, then waking up with a cold sweat. Fuck my sleep pattern
  11. Hahahaha moon boots and french laundry crate and barrel workin ass
  12. False. The person below me has a "don't care" attitude.
  13. Spenty is gonna get an ill fade with his favorite city's skyline shaped on there. Windows, bridges and all. Don't worry I got you
  14. hahahah i hope you can breathe again after i told you that
  15. So.... did you at least find out what drugs twinky was on?
  16. Vivoooo how you been? Haven't seen you around here lately. Happy Birthday by the way! :)
  17. tiny chat turned into a cooking show
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