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Everything posted by ms.seyer

  1. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Tutti Frutti and Wishbone, I am addicted, I want to buy the whole store. You are expensive. Please stop me from walking into the door next time I'm there. You're dangerous and a threat to my wallet. Can't stop wont stop, Seyzilla Dear allergies, Fuck off!! -me
  2. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear invest, Another cliche, but these things will only make you a stronger person, and everyone eventually goes through this. There's so many people you can count on to listen to you, but in the end of the day, you're the only one who's responsible of how you feel. It helps to keep yourself distracted by staying out of the house, or keeping yourself busy. Keep ya head up. -seyer
  3. Re: a tranny is giving me a handjob right fucking now!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: I agree 100% that has to be quoted again so no one misses it.
  4. Re: a tranny is giving me a handjob right fucking now!!! :lol: wow this thread
  5. i wish i could! haha i'm trying to make time to go back up there to go snowboarding.
  6. I witnessed the epicness that went down. goddamn that was good haha
  7. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear dentist, I want to fucking punch you in the grill. I went in to get a chipped filling filled, but now you say I got 4 fucking cavities. As a religious flosser and brusher I don't know why that happens. I wish you offered nitrous oxide, but no, you got mad at me for having peepholes in my teefs. You got mad issues, I'm getting the other 3 filled, and maybe a crown, and I'm finding a different dentist. Thanks for refusing to fully numb the gums before the procedure. Asshole. I thought that my insurance was paying you to do a good job. Drillnfill needs a new dentist oner, seyzerr ps: All that drilling sucks, and I still got a headache 2 days later. :(
  8. True The person below me has gotten a root canal before.
  9. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear chipped tooth filling or visible cavity, I hope you're nothing too serious. You're not painful or anything... you're just bothering me. I don't want another root canal or painful ass procedure... Plus I need to get my wisdom teeth pulled on my next vacation.. -Seybertooth
  10. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Jesse, Rest easy buddy. I didn't really know you, but your night did not turn out good. It was all bad news from the time the whole street had to be closed down. People are cold blooded. you are loved and missed, -seyer
  11. Sure.. true The person below me would too.
  12. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Cafe Manager, I suggest you school your staff about good customer service. The last time I got drinks there, the service was fuckin shitty. I'm not even that picky about good service, but the people who work for you need a to be hit on the head because they don't know how to treat people. I kinda felt bad when you apologized to me, but I refuse to go back there. Fuck off. -seyzey
  13. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear bfish, Homework is a great way to get some zzz's. I open the text book or log into my online lab account, and it's heavy eyelid island from there haha. -seysey
  14. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Publicenemy, Everytime I order books from Half.com it never comes on time, or it just plain takes forever. I'm glad I can take advantage of book rentals at school now. -seyyyyyerr
  15. False The person below me likes coffee cake.
  16. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear edoggg, I agree with CaliG, Bio> Organic chem. Biology is wayyy easier than chemistry. It's probably your professor that is not making it interesting. The dna labs are the most fun. - seyintist
  17. True, too many times. The person below me doesn't feel like going out right now because it's too cold.
  18. Wtf fishsticks! I forgot who you were on here before, but damn that thing is so fucking cute!
  19. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Psyche book, Please be there!! Holy shit I'm so dead in the morning wtf was I doing. I'll be looking for you, please come back to me. Sincerely, your owner- seyer!
  20. False all of my siblings are chill. The person below me called in sick today.
  21. False The person below me shop lifts to get by.
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