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Everything posted by Decyferon

  1. i like that bottom one for polyp the one i did where i spelt the name wrong alts quickie really don't like this one much
  2. Polyp - I did any exchange for you then realised i did EBSONE not ESBONE so am redoing it Ruck, Freak, SHaken stickers got sent 2 days ago sorry for delays
  3. this is dope man, my wife who doesn't ever comment on stuff on 12oz said that it was 'gorgeous'
  4. yea man i will, maybe get it posted later this evening but i polly just gonna chill with the wife and get stoned - haven't smoked in about a week and a half then but might get inspired you never know. DOA right?
  5. polyp - your hand looks like DDA not DOA
  6. KNS - Do not write Kema, I would suggest changing your name ASAP, it is a good simple but it is too much of a taken name and no point getting yourself real familiar with it if it is taken KEMA transcend http://www.12ozprophet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=71574&page=22&highlight=kema Oneton - space your N out a bit the sloped middle bit is barely there and I would have the arms of the T going up like that it looks weird, I will try and do an Enty sketch later, will probably just be an outline tho, no colour
  7. to be honest polyp I don't really see anything wrong with the DOA, it has consistent widths, and isn't all over the place like some of the stuff that gets posted, I think the D is far mor slanted/curved than the oher letters like its leaning into the other letters where as the O and A are more stood up straight if that makes sense, i will say your 3D is off thos it is deeper in some points than others the advantage of doing lots of simples is that you get more used to the letters and then that will help when it comes to actually starting with connectinf letters/extensions
  8. yes it is, those extension bits are completely pointless, the letters are rough and inconsistent, and you need to work on letter structure, i being nice, some people will tell you much harsher, you need to do keyboard SIMPLES
  9. your chars are good but your letters need work, i think you should stick to this thread for a bit and try and go simpler on letters and work on letter structure
  10. Sin those are dope Seis and Alts Phere
  11. Its ok, the L doesn't fit in wit the 2 Es if i'm honest, also i'm not a fan of all the squared of end bits like on the right leg of the K - sorry if that seems egative but you asked for crits, you definitely got some can control and the basics are there so just keep working at it man
  12. Dr Evil/Clasone honest crit is that the only thing worth working on in all that post is the blue Deks, every other one I can'tt even tell what the letters are, try doing some simples, i know they can be tedious but seriously i did them for ages and i am now trying harder stuff, i can post up my sketchs if you think im not offering anything positive, but believe me I have posted a hell of a lot of pics from simples to attempted wildstyles REA - do't do that just post your pic, if it ends up at the bottom of the page just then bump it to the new page - it might only be the bottom of the page to you, other people have more posts per page as you can set it as an option
  13. Ruckus I got the pack her payday is tuesday and every pack is being sent then, apologies to everyone for the delaya and me being such a lame-o about this not working at the moment so might actually get the time to go to the post office
  14. the outline, will get round to colouring it
  15. cool cos i just did a phere sketch for the hell of it lol
  16. anyone fancy an exchange im wanna try some different letters
  17. Driver - if im honest i don't like the piece, if you got rid of all the extensions then it would be good but like hockey, the extensions don't work
  18. don't do extensions til you have your letter structure down, they don't look natural or flow
  19. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear employer don't fucking fire me tomorrow. I need this job and you know im a damn hard worker and one of the most productive people there. The doctors have sorted my migraines out so those won't be an issue, so don't be silly keep decy in a job because I really don't wanna find a new one. fingers crossed for tomorrow decy
  20. my vote is banz blank as i said before but as its now been polled properly thought i would say it again although chronicfumes is nice too
  21. haha thats awesome, im not part of the 12oz in crowd so no one can draw me hahaha
  22. Decyferon


    haha shows what i know but then all i wear are skate shoes
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