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Everything posted by Decyferon

  1. progress shot, half finished of my Swoon entry
  2. Freak - that sticker with the F like a worm and the 3D letters and the A in the coin/O is fucking dope and clean as hell
  3. the roller is ok, but that tag needs some work just do normal letters dont try and make it graf, i mean how bad is your natural handwriting if a tag looks like that? but then i have always been proud that i have decent handwriting lol my brother has writing like a fucking spastic
  4. Syst - it looks like your writing your tag really slowly it looks well shaky try writing it fast and repeat repeat repeat, i can't even begin to think about the number of times I have written ALTS, i have whole notebooks filled front and back pages with the same tag over and over with maybe little variations
  5. it looks like u couldnt decide whether to do a simple or a throw to me, if your doing a simple get the proportions more consistent less throw like coloured this, don worry about the crown it is just filling dead space lol
  6. hhmmm a theme, i dunno just anything that you want, i can do letters to a theme but my chars are just weird things that come out of me i dont really plan what they are doing lol but lets try to incorporate some robotic elements
  7. yea #i'm down for an exchange, char, name whatever man, my wife is babysitting for a friend tonight so once I got my son asleep I got an evening of drawing planned jose - try doing some simpler straight letters for now, work on consistency
  8. Kele - work on the L on your throw a bit it is easily the weakest letter, i find it hard to get the L right when I do throws so i feel your pain /nh
  9. this isn't too bad actually don't squash up the O so much and extend the N leg a bit more I find that looks squashed too and I hate to be a dick but don't write Zone, I know it is hard to find a name not used but some names just shouldnt be used and ZONE WST is dope as hell just check the WST thread
  10. work in progress, didnt take a finished pic before sending the pack to Ruck another one not finnished throws bit faint but everyone knows i dont like doing throws
  11. sending out friday Ruck gonna chuck in some extras just cos i have been so fucking shit
  12. Krep that looks dope, i havent been sketching much, sorry for shit pics and fcking around on some old trainers
  13. honest crits is everythign on this page is pretty weak. Aneks, do simpler letters, work on making the bars consistent FAck thats not actually to bad man yeahnation, all those little doodaas coming off the letters looks rubbish clean it up a bit BoseOne- not sure where your going with that style
  14. Fuck Ruck man i keep forgetting to send those slaps, just waiting on some money from a tshirt design i sold then will get it sent
  15. for the Skim battle, i might colour it
  16. Cane - I would say that while your really good and consistent with your letters the rigidness in having widths the same doesnt work so much on the extensions, they look blocked in rather than flowing so maybe work on that, haven't been sketching much receently, might tonight
  17. here is my handstle and throw for skim battle, normally my hands and throws are shit so crits welcome
  18. i would drop the arrows, work on the s and the k and just practise, that one looks very stiff /nh like it doesn't have any flow to it, but just practise practise
  19. whoever did those paintings need to spend sometime in the sketchbook
  20. he wasnt dissing anything if anything he offered some helpful crits which is more than you do Ico so chill
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