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Everything posted by Decyferon

  1. listening to music, just done some tidying round the house, contemplating my options for the day do I get on the train to my old hometown check a friends gallery show and see a friend to get some weed or be lazy, stay where I live and get some weed
  2. lol I should be sketching but am finding myself thinking of names for Phere!!
  3. sitting on 12oz waiting for someone to ring me about some weed, bored shitless should be drawing but completely uninspired
  4. well feel free to PM me anything you feel you might want from the UK and I am sure I can hook something up for you, a selection of our local sweets and chocolates, some tacky memorabilia anything you like! Am starting a new job soon so will have some money to do care packages etc soon, getting mighty bored of being skint! With the last canvas I painted I did the background with spraypaint and literally sat looking at it for days then all of a sudden had a burst of energy and did the rest of it in about 30 minutes
  5. Jamak those handstyles are nice man I like em
  6. Damn Bojangles I love your stuff /nh really inspires me, would kill for one of those on my wall (would have to kill cos probably couldn't afford one!!!) Would really like to see the process you use for painting, do they take long or are they done quickly? do you sit back and think about the strokes or is it very free flowing and not hindered by calculation?
  7. just got back from painting, man that was sketchy as fuck, at least not as bad as it was last night with the dudes and the hunting rifle, will get flicks tomorrow don't think it will be that great tho lol rushed like hell!!!! I don't find it hard to come up with names, Alts just came to me and Gutrot just happened when I was sketching, just play with letters something will come up, shit doesn't need to make sense!!
  8. Skore also pretty much anything Bates does should be in here
  9. That Anita is nice Phere and only one letter difference to my wife's name lol for handstyles just keep it simple and practise practise practise
  10. nice Yearz not enough old school stuff gets posted
  11. I did say it wasn't a bite I just said they are very similar, come on you must see it as well, if I scroll down the page quickly it looks like it was done by the same person
  12. haha yea I know Donald, I don't think it would be so noticable if the names weren't so similar, don't think it is a straight bite but they certainly are similar
  13. cool to see that exchange painted, I would have took the legs of the N further down and the bottom of the U as well and as always I owuld have thickened up the outline but cool that you painted it, not often I see my exchanges painted also maybe add 3D
  14. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD humans are genrally stupid bastards and when they hurt themselves it is generally their own fault for being an idiot. Animal cruelty just isn't funny
  15. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD I would happily see those cunts that kicked that cat be fucking strung up and have their limbs cut off
  16. stop spamming that shit 004connec no one gives a fuck about your shop
  17. the S looks a lot smaller on that SBEA Odin keep working on the simple sytles, the blue one looks a bit dodgy with the thinner bars might try and get some more sketching done tonight, had a wander round my town today to get my bearings a bit to try and find some chill walls, think I may have found a few spots I could piece, I hate being in a new town with no legal walls - too old to be getting arrested bombing lol
  18. love your style Cher, always looks dope
  19. at least your working with bars which is good to begin with, try not to break your letters up with that line through the middle, it gets confusing around the top of the I and X, keep working at it keep it simple and learn those letters and you will see yourself progressing. Also don't worry so much with little do das like at the top of the A the blocky thing and the pointy thing off the bottom of the T, just keep it clean and crisp and simple
  20. what are you using to host your pics? Everything I upload just gets done on photobucket, never had to resize a thing
  21. I'm not 100% sure at the moment, gonna try and work on some depth to it, although I wanna try and leave a lot of negative space so was thinking of some finer line details and some white in the colours
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