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Everything posted by Decyferon

  1. Nah that dude above that I posted also writes Soker or Sokem, but I don't think that is who you are on about, he has been writing for many years and his style has changed a lot over the years as well
  2. yea man I prefer doing it that way, stores all my pics on photobucket, or Flickr then my harddrive isn't filled with loads of pics and if my harddrive fucks up I haev all my pictures stored elsewhere
  3. use photobucket or somewhere like that, upload from phone to website, then post them here damn almost 4000 posts for me
  4. Some names are just taken, others are Legendary names, I think that is the point he was making. Not like anyone would write Skeme is it? Ges is taken by a fucking dope writer, Gesism seems close to Des but hey it could just be a nod of appreciation towards him, I have seen other writers put ism after their name on numerous occasions, it's not like he is actually writing Desism cos that would then be retarded
  5. My Dad had this LP loved the case for it, idiot sold all his records when he split from my mum, I wanted that collection there were some real gems in there, original Sgt Peppers with all the cardboard inlay/postcard/pop out things, checked on record collector book and some of them were worth hundreds of pounds
  6. dope, I'm liking that Sale, and props for the Slayer as well lol!!
  7. I like the top and bottom one, I think the middle would work better with 3D on it and the legs of the M not looking so weird (in the direction they go, one straight one curved and in towards each other)
  8. I like it Donald, cracks look a bit big on it, actually i think i gave crits earlier on it lol
  9. What can I say lol at least it's an original style, just go back from trying to paint it didn't turn out great was not a legal or chill wall and rushed it will get a flick tomorrow coloured the alter one but am on wife's iPhone will put it up when I get her off my pc
  10. quick outline, trying to muck around add a few letters, the A and R def need some work but its a start to work from
  11. hahaha yea man I saw banned under your naem and thought whatthe fuck happened there
  12. damn spadeo that illustration is dope!!
  13. I like that Donald, the cracks could do with some work, i just like black fills man, mine always look a bit dodgy when i try them
  14. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD oh well in that case I would get my wife to knock her out
  15. I like it Freak although your still suffering from shrinking letters but it might jusy be me, the K looks smaller quick outline real faint will look better once inked
  16. coloured this somekat, just work on it, that C needs it!
  17. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD also i'm with everyone else, if someone hit my kid I would knock them out, retard or woman
  18. Crus, well maybe not keyboard simples, give the lettres some flow, some curves, but no extensions, the ones you have tried don't work, I have said it so many times but you will get 100% more respect from writers for executing dope straight letters and simples than what your doing at the moment
  19. Crus - you need to lose the extensions, the arrows coming off the C and S look bad, they don't flow with the piece at all, also the jagged bit off the leg of the R just looks out of place, stay doing simples because your trying to advance too much and it isn't working, try getting your letters looking clean, the char is dope tho, I'm being harsh with the crit because it is obvious you wanna improve but your going about it the wrong way by forcing these extensions
  20. I agree with Polyp, I always go back to simples, I find them the best way of getting past writers block and it just re-enforces your understanding of yur letter structures, you can get oo caught up in connections and extensions and ithelps to bring yourself back to square one to evolve some more
  21. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD http://www.mmatko.com/pete-sell-vs-scott-smith-fight-video-tuf-4/ I think this is the fight you mean Waxaddict
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