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Everything posted by RUSO

  1. RUSO


    don't know if its been posted I don't frequent this thread, Travel channel has a new show riding with NYC couriers. Looks interesting but who knows... http://www.travelchannel.com/TV_Shows/Triple_Rush/ch.Video.index
  2. Dope fucking thread.
  3. Jewish rye, honey mustard, swiss cheese, sauerkraut and corned beef.
  4. "I can now scratch that off my bucketlist." Your a sick person.
  5. chewbacca face/pushing one out
  6. just woke up....5hrs. sleep.....feel good.....putting motorcycle gear on craigslist to sell today.
  7. Yo, flick that KEYS on the 85 merge sb someone.
  8. I need a commuter. 2 ain't bad for a project/commuter bike.
  9. I hate being paranoid when she plays, spots I go to I'm gonna rethink.
  10. Soup what'd it run you, the Honda as is?
  11. she's doing wayyy better thnx, playing with my other one but still a little way's to go. Monday I'll go back for a check up. Earl the vet called it "garbage gut" she ate something that got past me. I'm usually watching her like a fucking hawk. Its not her fault she's young and curious. -Expensive lesson.
  12. came back from skating with my two dogs, bout to take a dump. that is all.
  13. had a cup of coffee, to the daily hustle.
  14. Miss 17 pissed on.......http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=2MsEaRbVuzs
  15. ^that looks super clean, what kind of plans you have for it, commuter?
  16. she may have ate something at the beach, don't know what but the doc asked me if she got into rat poisoning.FUUUUck
  17. She's an important part of my family for sure.
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