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This is my name

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Everything posted by This is my name

  1. lol Crazy story... if only there was a video...
  2. Re: NYC Subways - the good stuff If I could go back in time, it would be to see and experience things such as this... Amazing art. Awesome. Thanks for sharing all your stories and photos with us.
  3. Well it hasn't been doing too good lately, but maybe this will help...
  4. Got this pic, wondering if Ichabod didn't finish since he usually does a lot more complex stuff... Toy over Point-Histo piece
  5. The country that is really appealing to me right now for foreign investments is Dubai, it just seems like a great place and their economy is doing rather well compared tot he rest of the world. They plan to have the first fully "green" city, as well as the world tallest sky scraper. Cool stuff.
  6. I know this a joke... but, depending ont eh gas tank, it can be quite difficult. Certain tanks now have all sorts of corners and openings to get through to get to the main tank, not any size hose will fit in there...
  7. But since there is open registration... can't they just re join? And yes, there are ways to get around an IP ban... Ban: +om+om
  8. I love running trains... some of the stuff on them is such great work... Switzerland:
  9. Yeah, Red Line... Each letter is about the size of a person.
  10. Better yet, just stop the open registration...
  11. I just stepped into the local apple store for the first time today... Then I read this, now I am having second thoughts on quite possibly getting a Mac.
  12. Hahaha wow... I knew of a guy, had a wife, kids and a family to feed. Could have gotten a job if he wanted to, but instead he just begged for money at busy intersections. Going up to cars whenever they stopped. Easily made over $100 a day. Someone once brought clothes for him, thinking he was really poor, and the guy flat out refused them... Tell him you know his secret.
  13. Got a pool table at my house. Good fun, I learned a few good trick shots and have made some money on pool with either tricks or just games in general. So many more games that you can play beyong 8-Ball it is amazing. Good fun.
  14. Yeah right now would be a bad time to invest in gold... People are usually pretty quiet about what is good to invest in; as with pretty much everything, do your research!
  15. I did my research this time... From the KKK Website:
  16. WTF Obama is getting campaign money from the KKK, just shows how screwed up this country really is... And no, I am not a racist... Edit: ^^Post above me = true.
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