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12oz Crew
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Everything posted by KILZ FILLZ

  1. yea i understand the dead drive is done haha the only copies i still have are in itunes wasnt sure if itunes lets you export your entire library or not pretty sure it will, but thought id ask
  2. damn thats what i figured i didnt have much on it other than music and movies can i export from itunes onto a new HD?
  3. my external HD is fucking up it uses a USB Y cable using it on mac osx when one end of the Y is connect to my computer the HD makes a clicking or beeping noise. when both are connect the noise stops, & i can hear it spinning if i put it up to my ear. but my computer doesnt recognize it, doesnt show up on my desktop or finder. wtf is going on here?


    Skull candy headphones fuckin suck the homegirl worked at a booth at the mall that only sold their products, said everyday someone came by with either complaints or broken product. On top of that, I have two friends who bought some of their actual headphones, not the ear buds, and both of theirs broke. The only reason to get them would be the trendy color schemes. Which is gay.
  5. huge pic is huge yet on topic i believe street bombing is whats up


  7. Gonna throw one of these on my Z-Flex
  8. i kinda miss the funny shit he would say and the putting fools on blast but dont miss the scrolling thru a giant post of just 'haha's or the threads getting derailed 4 posts in bump dao
  9. Yo Celt you might know the name something I wanna get what was that piece of plastic that would cover the kingpin, bushings, and go up over the truck and out to each wheel? on only the back truck. From when people had the plastic rails on the bottom of the board era. I wanna hunt one down but don't know what it's called. Cheers
  10. i saw a girl at the beach yesterday who had a tramp stamp that read SEXY LEXI with some tribal swirls on each side :eek:
  11. my girls bday went for a walk forgot its spring break......fookin tourists! vacation rental on the boardwalk. with a hot tub. looked like the place to be. biker boyz y0 swim in the OCEAN not the BAY. ever. FIN
  12. nice rifle ralphy ive been thinking about looking around for one myself
  13. Very very few shipping is done mostly by semi trucks & the harbor
  14. I won't get a bike. No matter how good you are it's just a matter of time before you lay it down. Plus I'm alays drinking... Plus I drive like a maniac, push it almost too far no matter wht I do. All my uncles had bikes when they were youngeran have tried to get me to get one but I won't. Self preservation I guess. No fender benders with em. Other than that, that style of bike considered gay or what? Drunk post
  15. Saw it while I was out taking pics for brickslayers caught my eye. I don't know shit about bikes but thought it was cool. I would never trust myself with a bike but if I were to get one it would be in that style.
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