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12oz Crew
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Everything posted by KILZ FILLZ

  1. Where's a flick of that Keys I saw the other day
  2. http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/2010/jun/18/obs-homeless-fight/ "PLEASE DON'T FEED OUR BUMS"
  3. SRSLY are y'all ever in the situation where someone is talking to you, and not only do you have zero interest in what they are saying, but you have zero interest in them? As in, I have enough friends, aquatances, and what you're saying doesn't interest me at all. I can do without you. Peace peace. Am I becoming an asshole or just someone who legit dint give a fuck about randoms?
  4. that zeros is dope except the inside of the O $0.02
  5. bourdain - kitchen confidential dungy - quiet strength
  6. kandinsky composition vii
  7. Jeezuz Those chicks will never have a dude take them seriously. Ever.
  8. Public bathroom! :haha: /page saved /those sheep rule
  9. gave her a facial and wiped my dong off w her hair. B) diff girl, was hitting from behind only to look down and see little specks of TP left over :haha: Edit: OH YEAH, the thread I made as CreamyPotatoe titled ROOKIE MISTAKE has a pretty funny story in it. Wasn't funny at the time tho.... :haha:
  10. What's the machine you use to make those look like?
  11. This is why you're always nice to the ugly chick.
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