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12oz Crew
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Everything posted by KILZ FILLZ

  1. Does George even host this shit anymore? Seems like whenever I happen to check it out it's someone else. Either that Ian Punnet dude or someone I don't know. Their site has a photo gallery that will drain hours from your life. (great for killin time at work... all SFW)
  2. It's a brewery from here but I believe they are pretty big there too?
  3. I'm gonna try to hunt some down tomorrow. If I get kynhands on some I'll be down for that.
  4. DELICIOUS. almost a mesquite taste Limited release so other than you dudes in the bay, may be hard to find. If you do, drink it up! I'm gonna try to get my hands on a case or two. One for enjoyment....maybe attempt aging the other?
  5. ______ _______ arrows.


    Me too :haha: ^^ Homie let me borrow Skate 3 & it was dope... My and my old room mate would just choose freeskate and cruise the city looking for dope skate spots... Awesome games of S.K.A.T.E. were had.
  7. Thread, Around new years I posted in here saying that i was gonna stop being nice to girls and start being a jerk. Been doing it.It's fucking sad how well it works. No wonder why guys do this shit. BNH
  8. Meet me by the monkey bars after school
  9. I like the bluejays one w dual side patches
  10. That white bill is gonna look like shit after the 1st week
  11. I Ned to finish the impala I started like a year ago :-/ I fuckin fell into Call of Duty....
  12. mid 20s is totally a youngin to an old fart. no worries.
  13. That pokemon shit makes me feel old/reminds me there are a buncha youngins on here
  14. Pobre Vatoe Damn that wall is faded
  15. Those castration pics almost made me puke
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