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12oz Crew
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Everything posted by KILZ FILLZ

  1. It could just be my phone, but none of your pics other than the tits work. I'm guessing it was just more shameless self promo anyway, right?
  2. wow.... stfu til you get a lawyer kids. cant believe what i just read.
  3. theres only like 3 people who post pics in here regularly....either contribute or hush. (yes there is better stuff)
  4. JesusTreeStencilTattoo is watching you masterbate.


    I looked at all the posts from that member a few minutes ago. They're all equally impressive.
  6. My commute it's about 30 minutes right now, in car. About 5 minutes freeway and the rest in traffic on residential streets. I would eventually like to go on longer rides on some of the scenic routes here once I get comfortable. Down the line I would eventually like to get a Harley but some of those bikes Soup posts look real dope too but I'm not really into most newer sport bikes. Budget is a couple grand or less.


  8. I want to get a bike because I'm sick of gridlock in the morning on the way to work and the horrible parking here. Spoke with a few guys I know some said get a cheap beater to learn on and learn to repair/maintain, if it lays down while I'm learning I won't be very pissed. Others say to get something nice that I'll be happy with for a while, I'll be more careful with it. I'm leaning towards the first set of advice. What should I be looking At buying that is easy to learn on, easy to work on, affordable, and isn't too hard on the eyes? Thanks in advance.
  9. L.A the dame and resl are my two favorite things ive seen in a long time.
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