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12oz Crew
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Everything posted by KILZ FILLZ



    Got a final kill cam w a thermite kill
  2. Happy turkey day ya filthy animals share your libations and feast pics here (no feet pics plz)
  3. What you workin with? rate my hipster ketchup very halal:
  4. I dig this guys set up his YouTube channel is a wealth of knowledge and this dude is legit

    Work Wear

    Duluth Trading Co - Anyone fuck w these guys? thinking of getting some of their work pants but have seen mixed reviews online. Seems like Carhartt quality has been on the decline. Dickies make me feel like a cholo.
  6. Van Dwelling is booming and my city is a big destination. Will post pics of vans I see.
  7. Robert O'Rourke and Kamala Harris throwing out the idea of mandatory gun buyback programs. Atleast the grabbers are out in the open now. Much more dangerous in the shadows. Grabbers gonna grab. "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." https://www.npr.org/2019/09/13/760642023/democratic-presidential-candidates-disagree-on-mandatory-gun-buyback https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.washingtontimes.com/news/2019/sep/17/kamala-harris-gun-buybacks-are-a-good-idea/


    My gf and I found a small jar of cbd a few months ago while on a walk. Normally this would be kinda weird but we live in a highly trafficked trendy type of tourist area by the beach. We have found weirder shit. I've kept this thing in the medicine cabinet for months, just because, why not. FFwd to last Friday - sprain the absolute shit out of my ankle while trying to get my buddies daughter's kite out of a tree. My ankles are fucked from stupid x-games shit growing up in so cal and this ankle was especially fucked last year in a rock climbing accident (shouldve used boot and crutches but I'm a stubborn ass). So Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon and Tues go by... Get home from work Tues and take off my boots. Ankle was screaming as I sat on couch. Took a shower and saw the cbd thing when I got out. Decided to try it. Rubbed on sore tendons. Weds no pain. Was this the result of body healing over multiple days? Plecebo? Cbd works? Who knows. I don't. I thought this shit was a joke. Next time my ankles or knees hurt I'll give it another go. Pic related (burner phone photo Qual) :
  9. Anyone fuck w VR here? I kinda wanna cop an Oculus for various reasons.
  10. I had a convo with a TEACHER tonight At a pizza parlour The future of our nation When I go out on cold nights I wear a black hoodie representing my exs alumni The Idaho Vandals -the only gift I ever asked of her that she delivered- The hoodie says VANDALS in print across the chest with a small IDAHO above My way of throwing a flag up without being a LDLMT /WRBT/Tribal / faggot So this girl asked me: "did you go to Idaho?" "Nah" "Why you wearing that?" "I write graffiti" "Huh" "I write graffiti" "Huh" " I'm a tagger, we don't like being called that though... I WRITE graffiti" "So... Why are you wearing THAT?" "I'm a vandal" "Why" We got into a discussion. She said she teaches her students about graffiti... About how it's and art... I said no, it isn't an art..... It's vandalism. "Huh" "I bet all you know is 'exit thru the gift shop' and OBEY" "Yeah... Well...what is it to you?" "What I was taught by people older than me is that it's a communication, whose been here and where they are from..." That IS what it is to me Push your NAME, push your CREW or neighborhood My neighborhood is RTR the RoofTopRascals... Something I can't push now, knowing it's a semi well known set. All I push is the set I got out down with my junior year in highschool(which I won't post here) Shit is fun. But this is what it boils down to. At least here in San Diego. Rep your set. Tells people everything. She seemed kind of offended that this thing I love I didn't consider art "What do you mean?" "Imagine someone said SKATEBOARDING is only what happens in the XGames Imagine the only skateboarding that happens is in a skatepark..." (The fact that 'skatepark' is in my phones autocorrect is sad ) She didn't get it Was trying to explain but she didn't want to hear it She asked me about something I can speak on Something I am informed about Something I care about What did she do? When what I said didn't fit in her grid, she tuned out Stopped listening I tried to grab her attention "You asked me a question, I'm answering" I had no interest in sleeping with her, I wanted to explain something to someone as a person who they may not have another encounter with in their life... There are a lot of us but really not tht many She may not ever talk to another writer. I mean my city is MILLIONS of people.. There are probably only a few hundred writers That ratio is crazy! She was teaching this shit and probably had never talked to someone who does it I wanted to give her perspective Welp... it wasn't wanted These are our children and grandchildrens teachers She asked me about something.... Something I'm qualified to talk about... And passionate about... And as soon as it didn't fit into her ideology she stopped listening How fucked is that? Her attention was divided I said "you asked me a question, about something I care about, when I started answering you checked out. What the fuck??" "Sorry, I'm listening" But not listening. Now, I understand that when you clock out your job is done, But shouldn't some people of some jobs be a certain type of personality ??? Shouldn't the people who teach also crave to learn??? Ehhhhhhhh fuck it. I'm drunk. I got an eighth if shrooms to eat tmrw and that's my only obligation for the day. Shit is just frustrating. But maybe it should be. Maybe it's good no one gets it. I'm kinda glad no one gets it actually.... It's something WE get. Something WE care about. Something WE are passionate about. Something WE have RULES and standards about shit that only WE know and follow. I think thats kinda cool. Goddamnit I feel kind of pathetic that this is something I've been doing since 6th grade and I'm almost 30 but isn't worth shit... Isn't worth anything. But it's the only thing I care about. The only thing I get enjoyment from. One of the few things I get a smile on my face from. Creates crazy bonds with people. The kind of bonds outsiders will never know. I guess all that stuff makes it worth it. FUCK IT. Venting an shit. Hope someone gets it.
  11. yupppp used to even put part of our shirt over the end before blowing into it then one day my dad started using alcohol and ear swabs to clean the connection points worked fucking great for a while but messed them up in the long run :( i raise you:
  12. GRAND THEFT AUTO (1) homemade bong from pog container and this... for fucking HOURS mid 90s?
  13. http://www.thesimpledollar.com/2007/11/29/everything-you-ever-really-needed-to-know-about-personal-finance-on-the-back-of-five-business-cards/
  14. refurbished a lamp ive had for a while. its been needing some attention for a bit. its the first time ive done this and it was much easier than i expected. aside from waiting for the paint to dry, this was a very quick job. rewired with new plug, cord, socket, paint. gonna grab a new shade soon.
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