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12oz Crew
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Everything posted by KILZ FILLZ

  1. As far as I know, repair kits quit being a thing like five years ago. I doubt they would still be doing that.
  2. It is good. But a bit over hyped because it’s not as available as some others. If you get a chance to cop you should. There is also a Pliny the Younger that’s even more scarce that is the bomb. I’ve only ever seen the younger in kegs and our whole city will only get like two or three kegs in total. Those bars get one keg each and have lines out the door at open and the kegs are tapped same day.
  3. Don’t break eye contact. Assert dominance
  4. Originally started new thread of these titled “Man crashes paramotor into tree, tree claps back, morphine prevails in end” but had second thoughts about spreading gore across the forum. Decided to consolidate here until the new forum rules drop. @Kults @Dirty_habiT
  5. Good luck man that shits no joke yuck man @mr.yuck
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