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Everything posted by KILZ FILLZ

  1. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/us-brexit-trade-deal-antibiotics-meat-drug-b1780438.html US-reared animals whose meat is set to be imported under post-Brexit trade deals are fed 10 antibiotics banned in the UK, potentially undermining treatments for infections, cancer and even coronavirus, a report has warned. Bringing the meat into the UK would be a seriously backward step in the fight against antibiotic resistance, and consuming the meat itself could create a cancer risk, according to the Sustainable Food Trust (SFT.) Such widespread routine use creates the ideal conditions for the development of antibiotic resistance, according to Richard Young, the report’s author and policy director of the SFT. “In one case (that of carbadox) the principal concern is not antibiotic resistance, but the drug’s carcinogenic properties and the potential for residues in pig meat. The [Food and Drug Administration] has been facing strong opposition from the industry for four years over its attempts to ban this antibiotic in pig production,” the report said. Meanwhile, US beef cattle, pigs and turkeys are also fed a growth additive called ractopamine, which is banned in the UK, EU, Russia and China on food-safety grounds because of concern about “possible detrimental impacts on heart and cardiovascular health, from residues of the drug in meat and offal”. Russian regulators have linked ractopamine with shorter human lifespans.
  2. spend the extra couple bucks on one made out the seatbelt material if you can find one you like. I think the difference is worth the extra $. ive had good luck with www.CheapestNatoStraps.com but they are overseas so I bet shipping is delayed from covid.
  3. They get a bit sweaty. I prefer a nylon Nato strap. These rubber ones will last a long time as long as you take care of them though. Avoid getting solvents or fuels on them, and if you do, clean it off. Otherwise the rubber will crack. Easy way to dress down any watch though. Then toss back on the bracelet to dress it up.
  4. Got an Uncle Seiko waffle strap for my Pepsi Turtle quality seems good. About as stiff as a g-shock strap. Not nearly as supple as the Vostok. ready for the beach!
  5. for folks without FB: Somehow managed to loop in sex work, “baboons” and China Pretty crazy of true They raided a residence today. Curious if it’s the owner of the tags or something else. The Google earth for the address shows an RV in the driveway. Convenient
  6. I think it’s interesting there was a loudspeaker warning about the blast. I think that means the target wasn’t casualties? So what was the target? The ATT Bldg they hit is supposedly called out as an NSA hub in some of the Snowden docs (I have no idea if this is true). Also supposedly the hub for 911 calls in that area so they blast took down 911 for a while (no idea if true). So was the goal to say “fuck your NSA”? Was the goal to take down 911 as part of something bigger? Or, what I think might be most likely, was the ATT Bldg targeted by a 5G/covid conspiracy theorist?
  7. Kevin Spacey is back with another video ”friends have contemplated suicide” 12/24/2020 he posted this one 12/24/2019 this one 12/24/2018

    Work Wear

  9. .45 is fun to shoot but if 9mm can’t do the job I think you’ve got bigger problems on your hands .45 is more expensive to train with for what seems like no real change in damage profile hand cannons are a blast though...
  10. Has anyone else been watching this? I just finished season 1 last night. Looks like it got renewed for season 3. it’s pretty bizarre but great. First season was all character development. Villain is the only one who breaks the fourth wall. Brendan Frazier plays the robot
  11. The folks going 3D printed seem to be more interested in not having their name in a data base with a gun S/N than anything else. Was the same way with the 80% lowers.
  12. had to contact plumber recently for an issue in the bathroom and they were very familiar with the Bldg. They’re the plumbing co the HOA referred me to. Guy said HOA requires a notice to be sent out to residents in the Bldg when water needs to be shut off. If there is a valve to isolate my unit they didn’t mention it. They did point out the main valve at the entrance to the Bldg if I ever need to cut it off in an emergency though. upstairs neighbor had a leak behind their tub that came down into my unit. Good times. edit: plumber who told me this said he just finished a slab leak and a flooded elevator shaft in my Bldg in the last couple months. Hope I don’t keep running into plumbing issues here but it doesn’t look good lol.
  13. @mr.yuckThat other style looks like it’s much better but I don’t think I will be able to change unless it’s part of a bigger project. Last time plumber was here he mentioned shutting off the water to the Bldg is a pain in the ass because of the notices to the other residents Ok, cool- will open up the faucets and then mess with the shut off to see where it seems to work best, that makes perfect sense. I think I may have them too far open right now. Gonna need to mess with them again tmrw anyways.. that little white plastic T fitting that splits off the the 1/4” line for the filter is giving me issues. Going to have to open it up again in the AM to get rid of the tiniest of leaks... going with some sealant over top of the Teflon tape this time instead of just tape. Will be my third or fourth time working that same T fitting, hope the threads aren’t getting blown out. yeah the sprayer, pot filler, and filtered water can all go at the same time. I don’t care about the filtered water at all - grew up drinking tap water - but having filtered water is huge deal for the lady so it was kind of a driver for what type of faucet we were gonna get. Always wanted one of these drop down sprayers in my own kitchen after using one in commercial kitchens. After some digging this is what we were able to find.
  14. @nicklesndimeswow ten years? That’s crazy to think of. I’ve moved apartments like every three!
  15. Sup guys, gotta plumbing question: just finished replacing kitchen faucet and installing a culligan system under the sink how far to I open the water shut off valves back up? Like two turns? I turned them all the way off when we moved in because the sink we bought the place with was busted and I tossed it. Rookie move not noting how many rotation to shut off. new faucet Filter
  16. I have that same resin concern for ar lowers, specifically at the fwd and aft take down pins. It just seems like the holes would oblong after not too long. Easy solution would to slide a small metallic bushing in there to take the wear instead of the polymer but then that would throw a wrench in the gears for the detent pin and springs that the take down pins are secured with. I think these issues and concerns are why you see people making lots of these lowers at a time. So they can discard as they wear.
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