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12oz Crew
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Everything posted by KILZ FILLZ



    Didn’t watch, but that CHP douche is probably the type to measure how high your taillights are from the ground to hit you with a lowered car ticket 😒
  2. There is a five day hold @abrasivesaint BITTREX doesn’t do this.
  3. You can buy crypto out to something like 0.0000000001 so even if the coin is like $60k you’re still able to throw $10 at it if you want. gemini is an exchange to convert USD into crypto. And that is really all you should use exchanges for, then immediately move your shit into a wallet for safekeeping.
  4. I’m pretty much only on Bittrex now. Trades are instant, no five day freeze on your funds like the others. I still try to spread out my buys across platforms time to time tho...
  5. Gemini is good, very user friendly. Bittrex is a full exchange, can be overwhelming. Coinbase - a lot of folk don’t like them because nonexistent customer service. If anything happens you’re pretty much fucked. Still very popular.
  6. Column, row and corner bets too. Roulette is a blast. Need a lot of money on the table at once to do well though.
  7. https://marvinstuart.com/firearm/ manuals.
  8. Some modded seikos this might be fun to do in the future
  9. I have a homie who is all into those adult board games and I’ve offered to paint his figures but he wasn’t down. Seems like it would be pretty relaxing and kinda tight. I don’t have any interesting in learning the games but the art side would be cool. the lore drew me in when I heard about a story where: space Marines were cleaning a warehouse with many rooms and chambers. The first chamber was human with feeding tubes being force fed. These humans were over fed to the pint they were giant round blobs, about to pop. Immobile. The second chamber was another group who had been previously Force fed who are now being starved. They were malnourished and unhealthy. Third chamber was the same group how had gone through the previous two phases and were now skeletons walking around carrying their loose skin like capes. Fourth chamber was this skin being harvested by aliens for other uses. paraphrased but Blew my mind.
  10. Riding the perfect monkeybowl wave where no one wants em and I love em
  11. Those are prices for USED!!
  12. Have also seen a bald eagle in real life while on a boat. shit was pretty cool. Didn’t expect us to have any in SD
  13. Will be used camping. This , my other lantern, my stove all run off 1lbs propane now
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