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12oz Crew
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Everything posted by KILZ FILLZ

  1. Tough to see but NOES pointed this out... possible @Keepitrailwork with the sinews and skull ??
  2. Updating with some new pics. Went back and lurked around with @NightmareOnElmStreet This section was closed last time I went due to plague. I want to go back with more daylight.
  3. Thanks @Mercer Are you staked on another wallet now?
  4. I have a question about staking that I hope someone can help me out with (may have been asked before) if I’m staking cardano, is there any benefit to claiming rewards more or less frequently? Specifically thinking about the fees. do I end up paying more in fees by collecting the rewards each month instead of letting them stack longer and collect one or twice a year? does it all wash out to be the same?
  5. Oh snap. OG oontz in the house
  6. Weren’t you happy when it got lifted in TX? You rather have never ending mask restrictions or restricting beginning to be lifted? even if you refuse to comply it’s still something on the books to fuck with people. If I’m that’s no longer the case that’s a good thing. I have friends in Canada who are still in a lockdown with curfew in their cities. I’m glad we’re are moving the opposite direction in my city. I think you telework right? So maybe this is a complete non issue for you? Wearing a damn surgical mask eight+ hours a day at work sucked. I’m glad it’s over.
  7. Chick with gun to your head telling you to nut inside: NO PRESSURE
  8. How did your team do in the draft? How do you think your teams schedule will play out? which match ups are you excited for this season? im ready to be hurt again. /nh all aboard to Herbert hype train. Have some interest in hitting either the game in Vegas against the Raiders or the game in LA against the Rams. I would also like to get my ass to Denver for a game in the snow one of these seasons. we will $ee


    CHP think they are elite. But they are just speed trap douches who idolize Eric Estrada.


    It’s CHP.. so, yeah.
  11. 30 min before close of business today a mass email was sent out telling us no more masks needed at work. Hellz yeah. 💪
  12. got a Wingmaster used a few years back for $250(!). Bout to take the old girl on her second dove hunt (with me). She’s great... walnut furniture and buttery action. Got her as a steal for home defense about a decade ago, super rad to have the new hunting homies drooling over her. Just wish I kept the stock 28” barrel. I sold it on eBay about five years ago. Bought her for HD and copped an 18”Er and it felt silly keeping a long ass fluted barrel in the closet. I broke one of the gun rules : never sell extra parts!!!
  13. All my hoa allows is electric. I’m lucky that a good friend how is this as a house warming gift. It’s a George foreman. Not the same as my Webber... but it’ll do. one of those indoor/outdoor kitchens would be very cool. Or even a backyard with an island that has sink & grill
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