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Everything posted by thecoldmidwest

  1. My dad earns the same hourly wage now as he did 20 years ago doing the same job in the same place. A weeks groceries costed us $70 back then. Now it's $200+. The problem in America is that the only people that get pay raises are executives. The middle class is disappearing.
  2. mone, ich, norms, sien5, met, coupe, prism, aser, heist :yum:
  3. lep, zeph, ich, lyes, tanker on flatbed, coupe, norms, guts, kerse, giar, snafu, glue.:D
  4. ich chunk diar high sek kuma kerse size21 huge swar harsh sleep kuhr eye snafu gsouth sigh erupto 5 star thread!!!
  5. I don't :) aser giar mber owl scar each2
  6. sigh rei21 cavs cred kwest lewis pore rip riot
  7. kaper desk high mber twist nace jaber virus ges kuhr glue sug kwest kaws gsouth erupto kaput life ridl each2
  8. A few months late but... snafu life harsh ich kerse glue coupe met space giar xide heist gsouth wyse buick sug farm has norms
  9. japan mink ghoul sigh diar glue erupto posh dice ugly high huge sex colt45 big5
  10. Small update from a last week/fall 06/spring 07...:scrambled:
  11. coupe free5 sane aser lepo king157 lyes zink nikon eye ich glue arsn harsh sigh:cool:
  12. bonus, jet, the phono graff, spek, arsn, colt45, erupto, harsh, glue, pore:huh: Nice railfan shots too.
  13. revok imdead size21 arsn eye kaper :cool:
  14. cred mone ich navy8 glue arek eye kwest play size21 life kerse erupto zeph crow owl:spin:
  15. frost river jet mone japan life colt45 cred kwest rime :)
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