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Everything posted by electsot

  1. You're an idiot and trying too hard be a internet smart guy. I meant lie as in they market the idea as family oriented and traditional but all they give a fuck about is turning a profit, not celebrating the true meaning of the holiday. I doubt you even actively paint graffiti
  2. Cilone - ..Come on, I meant the marketed materialized traditions of Christmas are a lie. It's a pagan holiday with Siberian traditions. It's comedy to me how childish your response was. Pet - low budget christmas horror film? haha
  3. Your nitpicking is taking away from the original point, Christmas is a LIE
  4. I wouldn't say nonsense, all they had to say was "one of the greatest." If only it were a perfect world...
  5. A short clip for a little insight into the origin of 'christmas' traditions. A lot more information out there, seek deeper.
  6. Isn't well played generally used in response to a persons rebuttal? I was simply stating, it's interesting, all the contradictions and imperfections in this heer tecknologeecal space age. We're supposed to be so advanced but countless moments of our lives are spent arguing who's opinion is more pointless and ignorant or who has convinced themselves that if they take an authoritative or sarcastically confident tone their point will come off as more valid. Infrastructure is crumbling, collapse is imminent.
  7. Such interestingly informationally diluted times we live in.. The industrial plight rages onward in its cancerous state... So many nerds fulfilling their egos by arguing their opinions incessantly... I can't wait to hide in the mountains from marshall law
  8. electsot


    ATB from the bay run thangs
  9. http://www.flickr.com/photos/59490801@N03/
  10. http://www.flickr.com/photos/67527197@N08/page2/
  11. TRILLionaire - That's my flick, I found some fuck on flickr trying to take credit for it but he won't respond. -RealityShock on flickr
  12. Pemex and Logo 2 for 1!!! Who's going to Oakland tomorrow? Shit's about to be crackin
  13. Who caught the TAF over the Silence fill from '08 on Mission?
  14. Whoever didn't get to that art show off San Pablo last night missed out on a wild ass party
  15. All you need to stop talking and get on their level, driving hours to places you've never been just to paint! Maybe then you wouldn't have so much time to squawk like a bunch of bitches. Scez and Lect from the 707, Kava from the 510, all painted in the 831
  16. For real? Not even a knock off but a blatant Twist bite...
  17. Utilize common sense... For every 100 or more freight cars there is ONE, maybe two engines which are maintained and inspected DAILY. Given that information you should be able to piece together that in painting an engine it allows the workers and rail security to know that THEIR yard is being painted. It goes for numbers as well. Workers fucking hate not being able to have the information they need to get their job done, and rightfully so. To write graffiti you have to be aware and conscious of your surroundings and what your actions are effecting. At least to sustain a somewhat lengthy period of time of actually getting it. A lot of it is about trial and error, but I'm trying to throw in my tid bit so spots stop getting blown up by petty kids painting petty shit like twice a month. A lot of people want to be graffiti writers, but most are too scared to do it proper... Or lack common sense and knowledge. Good day to you lames
  18. Damn, kickin it in Santa Cruz was fun because all you kids are too scared to rack. We got off! All your hardware stores are chill. Hicup was the only person with real shit runnin. Too bad I stepped on a nail in the abandoned mansion the first day we got there. Tell Euro to get at the real RTS started in San Jo back in '94
  19. I live in a relatively quiet suburban-post-farm town. I was walking my dog around 9:00 pm, and I got a gun pulled on me. I just ducked and ran to my friend's front yard screaming, but fuckin' aye, frighten situation it is to stare down a barrel.
  20. There's already 8 pages on this???? Hahaha. It didn't look like he was in there the whole time.
  21. http://www.flickr.com/photos/43013290@N03/4009388376/ 35,000 stickers, I had a whole other box too.
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