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Everything posted by OLSE

  1. a mandatory girl posing against Paid and Far, so i can say i post pics.
  2. thats cause for an extra bump.
  3. sucks when you forget a password to your account. then forget the password to the email as well. im hungry. bump everyone doing their thing. that stori is mr. clean. lastly bump the WAH team.
  4. solid stools are where its at.
  5. haha theres a doug one that made me laugh pretty hard
  6. stick your fingers to the back of your throat until you puke
  7. i went on those when i was little. alls i remember is the arcade and thinking i was gonna fall off. ill do some scuba bombs for the fish to see. it's a totally untapped audience.
  8. fuck yes! solid ass post right there.
  9. its a good flick takin' day get high and go outside.
  10. OLSE


    wheres your cat picture to go with that text?!
  11. OLSE


    i am gonna floss my teeth and brush them pearly whites nukkkaaaaaaaa
  12. god damn i heard about this yesterday actually. and was like people really dance like that in texas!? laughter for everyone
  13. i also one for climaxes if ya get mah drift that chicago game was one of the dopest games ever GOAL after GOAL and Kanes first hat trick on a sweet asss backhand goal.
  14. why the fuck is there a picture of a 14 year old girl? that shit will get me locked up
  15. 10 bucks on the one with terrible breath YOOHOO IS SO FUCKING GOOD all caps too.
  16. hit the print screen button on your keyboard if you have a pc and use photoshop or ms paint to crop the picture.
  17. you could just goto flickr and type in "Harsh graffiti" or "VTS graffiti" and see everything. and my unholy brethren has a point. pills are for pissheads. 42 degrees rules
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