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Everything posted by smizrocks

  1. Stolen from 12oz posts and plopped down into this thread. I do not own nor do I represent the original photographers. [/img]
  2. You're wack...this thread is cool.
  3. Awesome. Keep up the great work. PS, I have anxiety just thinking about what would happen if Indonesian cops were to pop someone for this type of behavior. Yikes!!
  4. Nice effort..nice mix of car co's. Fuck the Stupid Bowl!!!
  5. Nice pictures...keep it happening in Bulgaria.!!
  6. Nice...Euro freight scene getting rolling. Catch the cars you want while you can....
  7. Someone stabbed me once for using the word "graffin". True story, my friend told me.
  8. Is that the same Myspace Troph that got caught cuz he was talking on Myspace with his crew about hitting spots? I liked the pictures you put up , awesome.
  9. that Goner is cool...that cop isn't
  10. Chessies looking mighty short and fun
  11. ^^^^ Yeah I agree and what about those hollows you started off with. Yeah they may be dope writers, but they're fuc*ing hollows. They take a half a second and really aren't that great in the scheme of things. Nice pics, bad mentality.
  12. HA, his shit moves thru here all the time....thought he was from out this way I see his shit so much. Does your name imply how bad your fr8's are dookieface. SICK ASS POST!!..Keep hitting that steel for real. I need as much steel in midwest as possible or else I'll kill myself at the nearest wheat field.
  13. oh wow...a biased post...how original... BLAH!!!
  14. well in that case are they Capri cargos...?? that kwest is a good catch ...my guilt is setting in
  15. I guarantee you're one of those dudes who is wearing girl size jeans right now....all tight to the ankle and you probably have some kind of new wave Emo haircut just to round it out..... welcome to the land of people throwing verbal middle fingers....
  16. well fill me with cream then and package me in air sealed plastic....
  17. ^^^^^^^^^^ Congratulations...you're clearly the man. Blah.
  18. me likey....not the bitching, but the flix......no one owns shit, and everywhere is fair as long as the basic guidelines are follwed. don't leave trash behind. don't be seen on way in or out. take flix when everything is done...(at night) do a can count so you leave with what you brought in. keep the chatter down. hop thru a lot and look around like you are guarding 500lbs. for the Medellin Cartel. if you have drips running off the metal onto the ground, kick those ballast rocks away and smear the snow, leaves, mud etc. if it's snowy out, walk in a single file line so as to conceal your numbers. PRAY for rain after.....
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