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Everything posted by Quaranta-Due

  1. You don't fuck a dog because it's hot. You fuck a dog because you're that drunk and there's no one looking... ...Or there is someone looking, and he has a camera and is paying you.
  2. Oh yeah it had nothing to do with me. PSH.
  3. I had a Stone Vertical Epic. One beer. 9 percent. I'm good.
  4. What happened to your other name?
  5. This thread is REALLY funny to me, but only a couple of people know why.
  6. No were going to Hunters Point rememeber?
  7. This is why I messaged you.. Yay what are we doing for halloween?
  8. Re: Don't Call it Frisco Did not know that. That new?
  9. Who's in BAW? Edit: I mean out of Keep and Sestor.
  10. http://sfbay.craigslist.org/sby/w4m/413158142.html
  11. At first I thought he got it at my dads shop. But yeah I dunno, I dug it too.
  12. September is usually pretty bad for this part of the country. Then it cools off for Oct.
  13. Oh one bottle? That's cool... Here is how me and Magnum do it, courtesy of Magnum...
  14. Yeah what the fuck. "We".... There was more than just you and that's all you could drink?
  15. You'd have to ban a good dozen people from coming and ruining it first.
  16. Man those Red Baron mini pizzas are delicious.
  17. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&safe=off&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&hs=B9b&sa=X&oi=spell&resnum=0&ct=result&cd=1&q=alcohol+depressant&spell=1
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