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Everything posted by Quaranta-Due

  1. Oh yeah it had nothing to do with me. PSH.
  2. I had a Stone Vertical Epic. One beer. 9 percent. I'm good.
  3. What happened to your other name?
  4. This thread is REALLY funny to me, but only a couple of people know why.
  5. Re: Don't Call it Frisco Did not know that. That new?
  6. Who's in BAW? Edit: I mean out of Keep and Sestor.
  7. http://sfbay.craigslist.org/sby/w4m/413158142.html
  8. At first I thought he got it at my dads shop. But yeah I dunno, I dug it too.
  9. September is usually pretty bad for this part of the country. Then it cools off for Oct.
  10. Oh one bottle? That's cool... Here is how me and Magnum do it, courtesy of Magnum...
  11. Yeah what the fuck. "We".... There was more than just you and that's all you could drink?
  12. You'd have to ban a good dozen people from coming and ruining it first.
  13. Man those Red Baron mini pizzas are delicious.
  14. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&safe=off&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&hs=B9b&sa=X&oi=spell&resnum=0&ct=result&cd=1&q=alcohol+depressant&spell=1
  15. Tagbangers round here are dudes that are on some gang shit but might paint. More generally it's used to describe dudes who are toys, who try to make up for their lack of skill by constantly talking about shooting or beating dudes up who criticize them. And usually don't back their shit up when they talk it.
  16. I remember that I used to pop on every now and then when I would yahoo graffiti, and then I couldn't figure out forums so I didn't know what the fuck I was doing. Then I signed up in like 2001 when I started getting a hang of the internet better. Although I did have the web in like 96 or 97, it was pretty limited to AOL chatrooms... I do remember the AOL graff chatroom barely.
  17. I stole a 1.75 of Stoli from my work for Magnum OPiss... But now I'm at his house drinking it... We'll see how that goes.
  18. That's what it looked like when I first started coming.
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