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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. One thing I agree with entirely is that social media fatigue is real. When instagram came out it was poppin. At least to me it was, I spent a great deal of time posting on there. The same can be said for tumblr in it's pre Yahoo days. I got efame booty, invites to events, and access to cool shit using both of those platforms fairly regularly. Once these companies were sold to either yahoo, or facebook, a slow and steady decline in positive engagement took place. I'm assuming these larger companies are just more profit focused, as opposed to just "growing the brand". Many of the people running the show resemble the "old" way of running a media company, using many of the older business models. You've got Jim in accounting who's only concerned with the numbers. Samantha who runs marketing is only impressed by how many people were engaged, not weather the engagement was positive or not it's the numbers that count. Fred, who was part of the original team, and a driving force behind the success is slowly squeezed out of the inner circle running the show there. Many of us that are more savvy in the arts of online engagement realize if Instagram just stopped curating the feeds, and allowed you to view your timeline sequentially (with adds & sponsored posts injected here and there) it would be much more engaging. Not so much for your average user who doesn't even notice the top post in their feed was from yesterday, but for users like myself, or Allen who wouldn't mind investing some time in creating quality posts if their followers were actually allowed to see them.
  2. Sort of unrelated to this thread but a clear example of shit that got out of hand a decade after it was posted. https://www.cnet.com/news/guardians-of-the-galaxy-3-stars-react-to-disney-firing-james-gunn/
  3. No politician is sincere, 99% of the time they're in the role of sociopathic parasite, the other 1% is spent using their power to force their own ideology into the lives of their subjects.
  4. The Japanese have invented alternative methods:
  5. It would be cool to throw a hand full of concentrated fart directly into someones face. I wonder if there's any good books covering fart wafting techniques for beginners.
  6. That is the exact mindset of the majority of young intellectuals pursuing degrees in the social sciences. They will have no other venue for their PHD's trans studies but to find work in the government. I deleted all of my original tweets years ago, and half my posts on here worried about the random times I've called people faggots.
  7. 7F41EFC0-8366-49B2-BB20-BB6B32B1E14D.mp4
  8. Had a relatively shit day at work, came home to a Boosted board I pre-ordered a little over 12 weeks ago. Rode it to get a haircut, then met up with one of my neighbors at Home Depot a couple miles away in Queens to pick up gardening supplies. Gorilla gardened a tree planter in front of our building: Met a lot of our neighbors walking home when we were out there. Finished up then decided to finish off the first full battery on the boosted, took a couple of spills on that bitch, fucking thing is dangerous. Zero to 24 mph faster than a lot of cars I've owned. Didn't get the long board version because fuck longboards, but second guessing that after taking a few spills. Killed the slip on's:
  9. My new building is 6 units, and basically all my neighbors are cool so we all get together and hang out. Hosted a brunch at our place that ran from 2pm through 6:30PM which basically consisted of one giant non-stop meal for the day. Some of us went running afterwards to burn off all the food & alcohol. I don't take pictures much anymore myself but one of my my neighbors shared these on the group chat.
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