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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. I haven't checked in on the groups for a while, I'll take a look. Always more than happy to answer any questions. As far as market insight all I do is keep up with the crypto sub-reddits, and a few crypto blogs/youtube channels. Recent turmoil was caused by Bitcoin SV hardfork from the bitcoin cash chain. This hardfork was basically the result of the BCH community rejecting the ultimatums of Craig Wright, an early adopter/billionaire who claimed to be Satoshi Nakamoto, and is mocked by the majority of the people in crytpto because of his hilarious failure, and excuses to not produce any evidence. None of the BCH community would agree to meet his recent demands, so he decided to hard fork the Bitcoin Cash chain. The problem was, the Bitcoin SPV fork he created didn't have replay protection built in. This meant, once you sign a transaction on one of the forks, that signature can be reused on the other fork's chain by bad actors to send your funds without your permission. Dude did that shit on purpose and it fucked all 3 chains, including both Bitcoin Cash, and Bitcoin, as well as the new fork called Bitcoin Satoshi Vision. Looks like that's sorted out as of yesterday and we've got replay protection now, so everyone is predicting a bounce back up. Problem is the market doesn't listen to those predictions and does what it does. We'll see. Up until this recent drop it's been stable for a remarkably long time. Holler at me next time you're in NYC, it's fairly simple. I think they've even got a Robin Hood app now that you can buy both stocks, and cryptos. I don't fuck with stocks outside of my 401K but hear Robin Hood is a good app for investing. https://www.robinhood.com/
  2. @misteraven I have no idea, some say as low as $1000 for BTC so we may still be on the downswing. I think this is an anticipatory Jan 1st selloff, price movements seem to be deliberate, and predictive based on what's supposed to happen in a month. The last big upswing was for EOS from $1 to $20 happened just over a Month before launch. The price even crashed two weeks later before EOS actually dropped, 100% speculation. It's going to be skiddish for a minute but I'll probably scoop more up before January. As far as predictions go I will say this, going forward everyone expects the next halvening to drive the price back up, since the market supply of BTC will be cut in half with the miner rewards. I wouldn't wait too long to get back in before that, as there will probably be an anticipatory boom/bust before the actual halvening happens. I pulled everything out in Jan, took profits, and withdrew all but $10,000 from the exchange to reinvest into crypto once the market bottomed out. Cardano dropped all the way to .21 a month later, so I scooped 10k worth to sit on. That shit is worth 2k now .035 and that's my only hodl minus a couple ether I keep for Metamask. It's a dark night indeed. Almost got burned again a week or two ago, I've been making steady deposits into coinbase, basically matching whatever I put into savings, and I had built up a pretty good chunk. Haven't exchanged any of it into crypto yet, and almost fucked again right before this most recent drop. Literally had it in Coinbase Pro, pulled up the exchange, put it all on a BTC order. I didn't like the the way the charts were looking so I didn't pull the trigger, thought I'll check again later tonight. 48 hours later and I'm like damn, $6500 down to below 4k like that, so lucky I didn't do it. By the time I scoop I might be grabbing multiple BTC which would be dope. Have a couple for the next bull, and a few for the next bull run after that.
  3. Potential, but she'd have to get her shit together unless she cries like that because the D is so good. Bloodgfart? Not even with Kermit the frogs dick. If she'd still let me smash after I mention she should loosen up on the braids and let that forehead come forward some, smash. Fingerblast, then dome. Don't want to risk bruising any internal organs with nothing to bounce off, she also needs the protein.
  4. That's what the other side of a glory hole probably looks like.
  5. Hate seeing dogs left in the car like that windows all the way up.
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