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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. Well, well, well. Looks like somebody finally got some of that sweet, sweet defense contractor funding this month. https://twitter.com/TulsiGabbard/status/1182751618334220288
  2. Had to dip for tappas. One thing I have to hand to@abrasivesaint Taking on@Kults&@Mercer simultaneously in the political memes thread is prop-worthy, and sorely needed if we're all being honest.
  3. They're indifferent at best, like most people thousands of miles away. In the unlikely event Iraq, Turkey, Syria, or Iran cease to be a threat to Kurds within their borders, you best believe YPG would take aim at the western infidels occupying their land. There's no mideast culture that consciously aspires to western values. The Kurds have a very strong, tight nit fundamentalist culture, and actively seek "Kurdification" of any non Kurdish cultural group that finds themselves under Kurdish control. This is the only way a minority group under oppression is able to survive as a culture. That's not to say there are no Kurdish individuals that do appreciate western/outside cultures. I'm saying in general if they had a choice, they wouldn't want us, or any other group there occupying their territory. Unfortunately they don't have a choice in the matter and haven't since 1923, so lesser of two evils is their only choice realistically.
  4. No, a realistic one would be nice, like pulling the fuck out of there. There's nothing to figure out, it sucks being a Kurd basically. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this out. There's nothing we can do short of taking a tremendous loss of capitol/life sticking around playing referee for another 100 years. If this is what you're advocating for, wouldn't out time/efforts be better spent doing this for a people where there's an actual hope for self sustainability? These things work for advanced societies with a high level of education like Germany/Japan post WWII, it's not going to work anywhere in the middle east because the overall culture there is incompatible with having a free society. Our best hope is to find individuals who do want to live free and helping them relocate, not trying to diss everyone, but the reality of the situation is there has never been a free/stable system in the middle east and no amount of bombing/bullets will change that. This is like expecting a rapist to become an effective psychotherapist to help their victims deal with PTSD. We can't "fix it", you have no idea what "fixing it" even means. You're just parroting talking points put together by the military industrial complex, hell bent on perpetual war. Think about it for a second, what could we possibly do for them other than murdering people on their behalf? Ding, ding, ding, we have a winner. Unfortunately the Kurds have nothing to offer, while Turkey on the other hand is a major ally. So we'd be shooting ourselfs in the foot providing weapons, or anything that could be used to fight our shady ass ally. Fact is, we actually need Turkey, and have a long history of cooperation with Turkey. Personally I really dislike Erdogan for multiple reasons, but not enough to warrant killing Turks either by proxy, or directly. No shit, you'd have to be an asshole to want the people you've been fighting side by side with to perish, or suffer. Our military personnel would like nothing more than to do something to help people who need it, that's the best thing they can hope for. Unfortunately, that's not how chain of command works. The US military is supposed to defend the United States, and not act as a police force for the entire planet. If anyone really wants to enter the area on their own accord and join the Kurds, I have no problem with it, I just don't want the American taxpayers to pay for it. I'm at the table now suggesting we stop ordering more food/drinks in the restaurant, we know we can't pay for it. Seriously, we can't fix this problem for them, nobody can. Why go bankrupt trying to achieve the impossible?
  5. @abrasivesaintI'm waiting fr you to describe a better course of action than us pulling out.... *waits patiently*
  6. Same here sort of, I was able to score a semi-legit subscription via a friend with actual keys (He works in an IT department and is in charge of all the Macs). I kept it around after just to see what's going on. Every once in a while I'll download/install potentially sketchy software related to crypto, and need to be able to see what it's connecting to. You can get granular with it for each app, and allow the necessary connections while denying any unnecessary ones. For example I have a free cryto ticker with live updates, it can connect o exchanges to get the price, but I'm denying 2 connections to Yahoo API and someplace else that I'n not sure why it would need to connect. When my favorite 32 bit screen saver (Defcon) stopped working after switching to 64 bit, I downloaded another screen saver as a replacement and it was def a bad move, it constantly wanted to connect to Ukraine for no reason and was malware.
  7. Neither one of you geniuses have offered any alternative outside of permanent deployment, which is the worst case scenario for the United States since neither Assad, Erdogan, nor the Kurds are a threat to us. You just want to criticize our withdraw because of knee jerk "Orange Man Bad" sentiment, and haven't given this any thought.
  8. The deal is, if we leave any war zone, the groups we favor in said zone are going to be fucked period. That's not a good excuse to die fighting an endless war. The fact is, the Kurds do not give one single fuck about the U.S. or our troops. They're basically a group of people in that region with no state. Some of their tribe is in Iraq, some in Syria, and some in Turkey. Every country they're in treats them like shit, and Turkey having the majority of them is terrified of Kurds forming a Kurdistan, possibly taking back their territory from Turkey. With that said, the U.S. invaded Iraq back in the Bush senior days, 1st Iraq/Gulf war. The Kurds were our allies against Saddam, and as soon as we left they got fucked, and Saddam punished them. They should have learned that lesson then, but they didn't, and the same bullshit history repeated itself in Syria. Honestly, it's a shit situation all around and they're never going to gain independence. "We need to fight an endless war to protect them because they helped us" is just bullshit. So many people suffering all over this world, where would our commitment to being world police end? With a bankrupt U.S. and even more U.S. citizens with their entire lives ahead of them dead, or permanently injured. They don't fight against Iraq, or Syria to help the United States, they're just in a war against those governments that's lasted forever, and us being at war with the same enemy suits their cause so we're allies. I don't think a single American soldiers life is worth fighting their war for them. No matter what, pulling out is going to have negative consequences, but over all the goal of peace is much more important. If anyone really want's to go join up with the Kurds and fight, that's their prerogative. I just don't want the government to fund it via my taxes, and I damn sure don't want a 19 year old kid who signed up to defend America dying there defending an obscure group of people who would just as soon kill us if it suited them. This is just another case of "Orange Man Bad", we should be GTFO of Syria, and never should have been there to begin with. The entire mess over there is due to our interventionism and staying would only make things worse for everyone long term, including the Kurds.
  9. First good anti Tulsi meme I've seen. Not sure why Democrats are pushing so hard to keep our troops in another endless war. I may not like Trump, but at least he's trying to get us out of there. I like the virtue signalling conservative meme format.
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