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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. @Fist 666you wait until 2 or more people are actively arguing with me, THEN you chime in, that's what is annoying. As you know, it's not easy typing out a well thought out response to a debate. So when you've got 3 or more people coming at you it's near impossible to respond properly. That wasn't the first time either. It's become a pattern with you, meanwhile you're quiet as a mouse the other 99% of the time. Nowhere in your response to me do you address this, so I'm saying it again. Next time someone is articulating a well thought out argument against my point just enjoy it, you don't need to chime into our conversation unless you've actually got something useful to add to it.
  2. I can't agree with this for one main reason. We never once agreed to fight every battle the Kurds have, we only agreed to team up to fight ISIS this round. We never agreed to protect them from any of the 4 governments they're currently engaged in fighting (Iraq, Syria, Turkey, and Iran). We owe them nothing, and haven't broken some sort of agreement here. If it wasn't risking American lives I'd like to see them prosper of course, but the price tag isn't worth it.
  3. Beg to differ, the civilian death toll in Iraq went well into the 6 figures, possibly pushing a million depending on who you believe. That doesn't even factor in ground forces in Afghanistan, Syria, or the drone/air strikes in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Somalia, and Pakistan. Or the death toll from the wars we sponsor via proxy in the Middle East, North Africa, and South East Asia. Add everything up since the Korean war, the United Sates is responsible for over 20 million deaths worldwide in victim countries. If you want to remove: We only need to remove ourselves, or to be more accurate, our government.
  4. for centuries without any "need" for intervention. A friend of mine that was in the Marines during 911 brought back Bin Laden's book along with a few other amazing war trophies when he returned. Interesting read, was also freaked out by dudes signature. In the book it explained exactly why he thought attacking America was necessary. (I looked up the translation) The main point he had that I could understand, was just a map of the U.S. military bases surrounding what he called "the holy land". He went on to explain with us there interfering in their affairs, Arabs would never be able to oust corrupt regimes (like the House of Saud) and thought that by attacking the U.S. the entire mideast would rally together to oust us. Right about us interfering, but boy was he wrong about what would happen if he attacked us. He fucked the entire region for decades pulling off the attack. Either way, sometimes it's effective to look at things from your opponents perspective, and understand what motivates them instead of just engaging with the symptoms of their motivation. If we leave, the next generation will have much less of a quarrel. As long as we're there, blowing people up, and interfering with their affairs through use of force, we're increasing our threat in the big picture.
  5. Not to sound harsh but seriously, I don't want to fund any more help for these people. If it were anyone else besides us, they'd be moved down with machine gun fire. Props to our troops for the restraint.
  6. Any evidence that suggests we can successfully function as a stabilizing force over there? Every bit of evidence I see is we have failed at this miserably, over, and over, at the cost of countless lives lost, permanent injuries, and trillions of dollars.
  7. Either way, since the opening post was my argument being taken completely out of context, I'll re-state my original point for clarification. WE SHOULD NOT HAVE MILITARY FORCES ON THE GROUND IN SYRIA, nor should we have ever dropped a single bomb on any mideast country outside of Saudi Arabia.
  8. I've been waiting for the Hillary NASA memes to surface, what a disaster. She needs to fade the fuck away and STFU.
  9. My personal favorite was "Look, I was in the military buddy, you can't possibly have a valid point on ammunition" 🤣
  10. Yep, you can't make an argument against the very valid point I made because I'm 100% correct. Your only argument is me condensing a complex point into 3 words for the sake of conversation. Semantics. It wasn't everyone, it was only you, and@Fist 666who's opinion I have zero respect for. He normally only chimes in if I'm already engaging with 2 people (as usual) who are actually able to articulate an argument. Like that weaker friend in the group who doesn't join the fight until 2 of his boys are already jumping someone. Seriously @Fist 666why do you always lurk, closet hating until I'm engaging someone else to chime in? Again, you have zero to contribute. The pussy ass cop out "where have I argued*, without clarifying your position. Much like @Fist 666the idea of sharing your own opinion is terrifying, because you don't have any coherent opinions of your own. Your thoughts are an abstract mess void of clear vision, or purpose, impossible to put into words. You just like parroting talking points you've seen/heard someplace else to pretend you've got a solid world view. In the end this contributes nothing to the actual conversation (again), it only derails the conversation into semantics arguments, AKA your idea of a "Sane Discussion". I remember what it was like having a world view that was incomplete/inconsistent, and still very abstract, but I always had the balls to actually say what I was thinking even if it wasn't solid yet. You should be more open to real debate, and allowing yourself to be wrong, that's a crucial step towards evolving into a better version of yourself. One day you may gain the confidence to share YOUR opinion for once, instead of copy pasting articles, or finding a quick summary of a complex point to attack it.
  11. Again, here we go with semantics. Your definition and mine differ. Facts: the caliph is dead, and ISIS holds no significant territory. Here's a fact warmongers (you) wont ever address: Our presence there is causing, and has caused way more harm than good. That's why you have to twist the facts now to argue for us to stay. This garbage narrative that we're "the good guys" and we need to stay. Do you suggest we just continuously bomb the region, send in special forces to clear every house/building 1 by 1 until every former ISIS fighter is confirmed dead? Think about how you're defining ISIS not being dead for just one second, and what it would take to achieve your preferred definition. It's amazing, I don't think either one of you would consciously take part in any racism, or xenophobia and I mean that. That's why I find it so strange people like you, and@Fist 666are grasping at any bullshit excuses to continuously blow up brown people over there on a permanent basis. Why do you think people are joining these groups? What would you do if your country was invaded, and military defense was wiped out? Matter of fact, don't answer that, we know your position on civilians taking up arms.
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