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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. My dad was actually a fan of his, it used to turn my stomach.
  2. Yep, I think it makes more sense looking at it from a libertarian perspective where are against all prosecutions/enforcement of victimless crimes. The drug side of the scales for us have zero weight in urgency to prosecute, in fact, we think it's more harmful to enforce/prosecute due to lost productivity by those incarcerated, and a waste of funds keeping them locked up. On the other hand, the prosecuting a rapist carries infinitely more weight with us because rape is a violation of consent. Consent means much more to us than than it does to more mainstream ideologies, think "taxation is theft" because we never agreed to the taxes or what the money is used for. Consent is key to everything we stand for so to us raping someone is infinitely more harmful with only a single victim, than selling a million kilos of cocaine could ever be. Boils down to a moral perspective where I can be friends with someone who sells a drug, but I'd never be down with a rapist. The state spending more on field/lab tests for drugs over rape kits is appalling behavior, and an obvious attempt by various departments to focus on more enforcing "lucrative" crimes where they might be able steal someones house, car, cash, bank accounts etc. Whereas with rape, there's zero profit motives for LE to enforce so to them, those rape kits can wait because there's no return on that investment. Here's more libertarian propoganda:
  3. Even if she wants to speak with the manager, I'm still going to manage her Smash
  4. Self absorbed Becky's ruining my hood:
  5. Your heath insurance company, and every one of the customers using it. Cancer usually costs a half a million dollars minimum per patient, and I believe obesity costs even more (collectively). So unless you're self insured, or willing to euthanize yourself once it catches up to you, you're fucking everyone else over by smoking.
  6. @Dirty_habiTI feel you, I'm just so anti government I always see the benefits of deregulation as outweighing the negative aspects of freedom every time, with zero exceptions. Like with the drug thing, I say knock yourself out if that's your thing. I know plenty of "responsible" coke heads for example, why infringe on their rights. Then again, I'm not here to stop the people who can't handle it either, if the weak are culled from the herd a little more then so be it. If they end up abusing their kids, or violating my rights, the culling process gets accelerated. Same thing with gambling, smoking, booze, you name it. Most of us can handle it just fine, and the harm done by all the regulation, kids getting caught up in the criminal justice system for doing what we all did over it outweighs the small benefit of all that criminalization/regulation if there actually are any benefits from all that. Personally I don't see any benefit. As far as meth cooks, and the safety issues that brings up for entire neighborhoods it's a non issue. If it were legal to cook, and sell/distribute meth, it wouldn't be happening in peoples homes like it is now because a home cook could never compete with the price/quality/quantity of a lab. Same reason nobody is making aspirin or other legal pharmaceuticals in the trailer park now. As far a selling it goes, if it's not being taxed to death by a nanny state like how they do legal pot, you also wouldn't be buying it from someone's home either. Also, DUI's are a blip in history between hopping on your horse after a night at the tavern, and hopping into your self driving car after leaving the bar. Sort of a non issue moving forward and the technology is availiable now, it's more an issue with the legal framework needing to catch up. I remember going through a phase in my early 20's where I'd end up riding around with drunk drivers almost every weekend and having a great time. With that said, I'd never do it now, along with a lot of the stupid shit I did back then. Me personally, the only thing that I feel like may be looked at as irresponsible health wise is my continued affinity for semi dangerous sports like skateboarding, snowboarding, and MMA. I've never broke a bone yet or been hospitalized for any reason at over 40 years old now, other than having a high fever once when i was a kid and my parents freaked out and took me to the emergency room. I think a lot of that is genetics, and just plain luck in general though, so I have no foundation to take a holier than thou stance when it comes to anything really. I mean I've exposed myself to xylene and other solvents rarely wearing a mask/gloves back when I painted graffiti, and all the fist fights I've been in. Fist fights are prone to easily going wrong, so is skateboarding with no helmet, horseback riding, snowboarding in the back country, etc. So yea, I definitely do look at a smokes, and lard asses and judge a little, but at the same time there's people more in shape than me who haven't done any of the risky behavior that could probably judge me. So I try not to judge out loud, or prevent it from me being friends with someone I actually like because that lot seems to get smaller and smaller the older I get.
  7. There's a better version of this where it's shown in reverse with googley eyes.
  8. That's the one, the creativity, the talent, the physical looseness of the receiver's buthole, the pooping strength of the other. It's almost as if the planets aligned properly for this to happen and be captured on film. True art.
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