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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. Mercer


    What sort of criminal record did the baby have? Was there fentanyl in it's system?
  2. There's a video of him making fun of Trump for walking too slow on a wet ramp, bragging about his walking prowess. That swastica had to be intentional. Either that, or he's a liar about his own strong walking skills.
  3. https://github.com/Defi-Cartel/salmonella High level gray hat karma.
  4. This is insane this happened in 2021 but you guys love voting for these boomers.
  5. I just don't get the logic, you admitted you participate in illegal drug trade. So are you the weak minded, or are you taking advantage of the weak minded breaking some of your off for other people? How is it OK for you to participate in the drugs economy, but offensive to you when others do the same shit? How can you throw shade at me for threatening to dox Casek, if he's on here threatening to dox other members of the board? If you guys with mod/admin powers were doing your jobs in here actually moderating, instead of instigating, I wouldn't have had to step in. I should be asking you why you didn't say shit about Casek making lame dox threats. It's pointless to engage with you because you don't have any moral/logical consistency.
  6. @KILZ FILLZKnow the feeling, got a notice I got a stimmy check, had to review my plan to leave the country before I realized what that letter was.
  7. Just dumped all my ADA for BTC. No more large shitcoin bags to hold.
  8. Can confirm, things are much easier to accomplish when you have lots of money. Most of the problems people face can be eliminated when you've got the money. I see that as motivation for earning lots of money, more than I see it as a way to shit on rich kids for not having it as hard as I did. I'm actually enjoying the struggle to make my future self "rich" by doing a good job providing things people are willing to actually pay for, AKA a life of contribution. I'd never trade that feeling of accomplishment, for a past where I just grew up rich, or lived an empty life of consumption. That's why half these rich pussies are so depressed. Living life in a 1 way relationship with everyone else around you is very isolating.
  9. I mean if you don't understand the basics of human compassion, what's even the point of responding? I don't know if this can really be explained.
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