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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. That's going to cost a lot of hamburgers to repair.
  2. Yesterdays Fat Joe isn't Today's Fat Joe
  3. I sort of equate self awareness with the type that consumes hallucinogenic substances and goes for hikes. Like most from academia he just doesn't strike me as somebody that goes outside things that bolster his credibility, like these dank schrooms, or goes outside at all for that matter. At least not during cardigan season.
  4. Most new 3rd row V6's are getting up to 70K plus these days, but they don't come with built in fart noises.
  5. You're not wrong, this dude actually has not working figured out.
  6. @fat ralphyBruh, you bought a Tesla?
  7. Red Yellow & Green headband is just a coinkeydink, we promise.
  8. I could hear that in his drama king voice. I paid for his audiobook a few years back after seeing him own a couple libs, thinking there'd be at least some good shit in there. Nope, it was fucking terrible. It's just biblical philosophy, and conservative virtue signals in semi-clinical terms. Might as well read the actual bible and skip the unneeded spices. Anyway, the book also sucked because he read it himself, in his whiney old man voice, which is good for sound bites, but not entire chapters. Half way through the book he's grifting super hardbody channeling a Pentecostal Preacher or something, and blew his voice literally yelling. Dude proceeds to finished out the chapter for like 5 or 10 more minutes with no vocal cords. 2nd most amateur audiobook in the collection, next to this dick who couldn't speak english well trying to describe using a programming language.
  9. I'm down with the bong/vase gift, but I'd never trust whoever the fuck did that to their grandma. lol
  10. Mercer


    5 years was a bit long but it looks like she eventually figured it out.
  11. Also no doubt I'm anti war on this, and everything else down to the drug war. If Ukraine wants to play chicken with Russia, they should do it in their own car, not NATO's. TBH every Ukrainian in existence, and all the Natural gas in Europe isn't worth as much to me as a single 19 year old kid from here that just wanted a Dodge Charger. Flexing against Russia, especially during winter put's the F in FJB for me.
  12. Putin is worth 200 billion himself, and he's not like an American President. He really, really runs shit in Russia almost like the mob ran Sicily. Putin is also heavily invested in energy, natural gas to be exact. Guess where the pipes Russia pumps is biggest export (natural gas) run through, and guess who's thinking about playing with big worms money like smokey.
  13. When I was a kid I jerked off to an illustration of a mouse's pussy and turned out fine.
  14. Mercer


    This girl knows how to assert dominace.
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